GONCOURT (de), Edmond (1822-1896)

Autograph name card to a gentleman
N.p.n.d, 1 p. 1/2 in-24

« Put a little sword in his kidneys »

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GONCOURT (de), Edmond (1822-1896)

Autograph name card to a gentleman
N.p.n.d, 1 p. 1/2 in-24

Goncourt urges a colleague to speed up his printer proofs

« Eh bien qu’est-ce qu’il fait votre imprimeur ? Il a très bien marché d’abord, et puis le voilà que ne m’envoie pas la 2ème feuille. Met[t]ez lui un peu l’épée dans les reins »

Edmond de Goncourt is a French writer, at the origin of the Académie Goncourt, which awards each year the prize of the same name. Part of his work is written with four hands with his brother, Jules de Goncourt. Their works belong to the current of naturalism.