History & Science

We offer a selection of letters and manuscripts from men and women who, through their writings, acts or discoveries, have influenced the course of history.

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[AEROSTATION] GODARD, Eugène (1827-1890)

Autograph letter signed « Eugène Godard » to M. de Fouville
Paris, 30th July 1869, 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« The day after tomorrow Sunday, I will make a scientific ascent with the balloon the citta di firenze at 1400 meters »

EUR 300,-
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[AFFAIRE DREYFUS] Alfred DREYFUS (1859-1935)

Period film print with autograph inscription signed
N.p.n.d [c. 1910], cabinet format (14,7 x 9,8 cm)

Scarce autographed portrait of Captain Dreyfus in artilleryman’s uniform

EUR 2.900,-
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[AFFAIRE DREYFUS] DREYFUS, Alfred (1859-1935)

Autograph letter signed « ADreyfus » [to général Percin]
[Paris], 21st July 1906, 1 p. in-8°

« If I have known many villains, many cowardices, I have at least had the consolation of meeting some brave men »

EUR 3.900,-
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[AFFAIRE DREYFUS] ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph card-letter signed « Z » [to Eugène Fasquelle]
[Queen’s Hotel, Upper Norwood], 1st February [18]99, 2 pp. petit in-12°

« The horrible waste we are going through… »

EUR 2.900,-
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Original albumen print by de Lavetier
La Haye, 2th August [1869], cdv format

« à Jules Claretie »

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[DREYFUS AFFAIR] ZOLA, Emile (1840-1902)

Unpublished autograph manuscript, signed « Emile Zola »
[Grosvenor Hotel, London, 19 July 1898], 5 pages in-4 on ligned paper

“Of all my open letter to the president, a few lines had been skilfully extracted… to prevent the truth to shine on the Dreyfus affair”

EUR 40.000,-
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[DREYFUS AFFAIR] ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph letter signed « Émile Zola » [to his publisher Eugène Fasquelle]
Paris, 5th February 1901, 1 p. n-8° on laid paper

« I am sending you the Vérité en marche… »

EUR 1.900,-
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[EINSTEIN] BERGSON, Henri (1859-1941)

Autograph letter signed « Henri Bergson » to Jean Becquerel
Paris, 24 Sept[ember] 1922, 16 pages in-8°

« From the point of view of the theory of Relativity, there is no longer absolute motion or absolute immobility »

EUR 15.000,-
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[EUGÉNIE de Montijo, Empress] W&D Downey

Portrait of Empress Eugenie by W&D Downey, period albumen print
[London, c. 1871], CDV format

Elegant portrait of the Empress, with a melancholic gaze

EUR 250,-
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[LAFAYETTE] BROGLIE (de), Victor-François (1718-1804)

Autograph letter signed « le Maāl Duc de Broglie » to a gentleman
Paris, 8th June 1778, 1 p. in-8°

« Recommend him also to Mr. The Marquis de Lafayette, to whom I wish all the glory and happiness he deserves »

EUR 500,-
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Photomontage on period albumen vintage print
N.p.n.d, cabinet format (10 x 13,5 cm)

Famous photomontage depicting the death of Napoleon III, surrounded by his family and loved ones

EUR 450,-
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[NAPOLÉON] FOUCHÉ, Joseph (1759-1820)

Autograph letter signed « JF » (revised draft) [to Élisa Bonaparte]
Linz, 16b 7bre [September] 1819, 2 p. in-8°

« In my correspondence I have allowed myself only one reproach against Napoleon; it is that he has too often done small things when he had the means to do great ones »

EUR 2.200,-
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[POUGY] GHIKA, George (1884-1945)

Autograph letter signed « Georges Ghika » to Liane de Pougy, princesse Ghika
Le Clos-Marie, Roscoff, 2nd July 1924, 2 p. in-4°

« It seems that your pearly body, slightly amber from distant sailings... »

EUR 300,-
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[PRINCE IMPÉRIAL] BASSANO, Alexander (1829-1913)

Period albumen print by Alexander Bassano
[London], 28th July 1877, cabinet format (10,2 x 14,4 cm)

Superb full-length portrait of the Prince Imperial, autographed on each side of the cardboard

EUR 1.500,-
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[PRINCE IMPERIAL] BASSANO, Napoléon Maret, duc de (1803-1898)

Letter signed « Duc de Bassano » to the Comte de la Chapelle, Alfred de Morton
[Camden Place, Chislehurst] July 1879, 1 p. in-8° on mourning paper

« I have been instructed by Her Majesty the Empress to convey to you her many thanks for the sentiments you have expressed to her in her immense misfortune »

EUR 300,-
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[PRINCE IMPÉRIAL] BIZOT, Adrien (1848-1929)

Autograph letter signed « Adrien Bizot » to the Prince Impérial
Melun, 20 septembre 1878, 4 p. in-8°

« Sad country, Sad weather! But patience, the sun of Austerlitz is not dead! »

EUR 800,-
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Portrait of the Prince Impérial by Elliott & Fry
[London, c. 1875], albumen carte-de-visite

Elegant portrait of Prince Imperial, printed in his honor after his tragic death in Southern Africa

EUR 280,-
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Portrait of the Prince Impérial by Gösta Florman, period albumen print
[Stockholm, 1878], carte-de-visite format

Supere portrait of the Prince Impérial by Gösta Florman

EUR 450,-
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Photomontage on period albumen print
N.p.n.d, cabinet format (10 x 13,5 cm)

Extremely rare photomontage depicting the killing of the Prince Imperial by the Zulus, in southern Africa

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[SECOND EMPIRE] The imperial family and its private circle

Nineteen period albumen prints
The Imperial Family and its entourage, CDV format

Exceptional gathering of nineteen vintage albumen prints offering a wide panorama of the imperial family, its relatives and supporters

EUR 900,-
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[SEDAN] NAPOLÉON III (1808-1873)

Autograph dispatch signed « Napoléon » to Charles Duperré
[Wilhlmeshoehe castle, 6-8 September 1870], 1/2 p. in-8°

« Where is the Empress »

EUR 1.900,-
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BEAUMARCHAIS (de), Pierre-Augustin Caron (1732-1799)

Autograph letter signed « Beaumarchais » to comedian Préville
Paris, 31st March 1784, 2 pp. on bi-folio in-8°

« My play isn’t a big thing ; but seeing it in the theater is the result of four years of fighting »

EUR 20.000,-
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BERGSON, Henri (1859-1941)

Autograph aphorism signed « H. Bergson »
N.p.n.d, 1/4 p. in-8°

« As soon as we love the best in life, we become indifferent to death »

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BERGSON, Henri (1859-1941)

Autograph letter signed « H. Bergson » to Raphaël Cor
Paris, 22nd March 1935, 2 p. in-8°

« I find interesting the relationship you establish between immoralism and the sexual question… »

EUR 1.200,-
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BLACAS, Duc de (1771-1839)

Autograph letter signed “B
Prague, 14th March 1835, 4 pages in-8

“What a fateful event that the death of this excellent Emperor”

EUR 550,-
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BONAPARTE, Caroline (1782-1839)

Autograph letter signed « Caroline » to a prince
[Naples, 15th May 1813], 2 p. in-8°

« I have just received the telegraphic news of the victory won by the Emperor »

EUR 1.900,-
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CHATEAUBRIAND (de), François-René (1768-1848)

Autograph letter signed « Le Vte de Chateaubriand » to Abel
Paris, 29th 7bre [September] 1815, 4 pp. in-8°

« I demanded freedom of thought, which brought Buonaparte’s fury and his new threats to have me shot »

EUR 7.800,-
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CLEMENT, Jean-Baptiste (1836-1903)

Autograph manuscript signed « JB Clément »
N.p, dated 23rd April 1869,  4 p. in-8°

« J’en couperai pour cette belle France / Dont j’ai chanté la gloire et les revers »

EUR 2.800,-
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CONDORCET (de), Sophie de Grouchy, marquise (1763-1822)

Autograph letter to Jacques Pierre Brissot de Warville
N.p.n.d [Paris, soon after the 24nd of March 1792], 1 p. 1/2 small in-4°

« Here are 2 little things that seem to me likely to destroy the effect of the King’s letter… »

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CONSIDÉRANT, Victor (1808-1893)

Autograph letter signed “V Considérant” tp Mr Berger
Paris [Probably 1848], 2 pages in-8

Rare letter of the philosopher

EUR 280,-
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DOUMERGUE, Gaston (1863-1937)

Two autograph letters signed « Gaston Doumergue » to notary Leverne
Paris, 11th November 1926 et 21st May 1931, 2 p. in-8°

«I request you to hand over to Mrs. Graves all remaining documents in your study concerning our agreement of July 1926 »

EUR 200,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor H” [to Joséphine Trébuchet]
Brussels, 19th December [1851], 1 page in-8°

“I fought for the right, for the truth, for the righteous, for the people, for France”

EUR 9.500,-
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ISABEL II (1830-1904)

Autograph letter signed « Isabel de Borbon » to Anna de La Grange
Lequeitio, 4th August 1883, 4 p. in-12° on flowered paper

« You love me, I know it, as I love you »

EUR 300,-
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JAURÈS, Jean (1859-1914)

Autograph manuscript signed « Jean Jaurès »
[Paris], c. 1st April 1905, 12 p. in-4°

« Several Republican groups are concerned about how to ensure the swift passage of the law on the separation of church and state »

EUR 0,-
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LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Letter signed « Lamartine » to Louis de Jacquelot
Paris, 8 9bre [November 1840], 2 p. in-8°

« The serious circumstances in which we found ourselves made me go out… of my usual calm in politics »

EUR 250,-
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LAMENNAIS, Félicité de (1782-1854)

Lettre autographe signée “F. de Lamennais” à M. Lasneau
Paris, 20 juin 1825, 1 page in-8

“Two copies of my Imitation”

EUR 150,-
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LONDRES, Albert (1884-1932)

Autograph postcard signed « Albert » to his daughter Florise
Bruges [14 December (1922 ?)], 1 p. in-8°

« Will be in Paris tomorrow »

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MAO, Zedong (1893-1976)

First edition of the Little Red Book
[Beijing, May 1964], 250 p. in-16° (13,8 x 10 cm)

« Politics is was without blood, while war is politics with blood »

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MASARYK, Tomáš (1850-1937)

Autograph letter signed « Masaryk » to a political activist
S.l, 21st December 1893, 2 p. 1/4 in-8°

« If the party turns against me, it opposes the men of confidence, as well as the vote of confidence that was granted to me »

EUR 950,-
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MAURRAS, Charles (1868-1952)

Autograph letter signed « Charles Maurras » to Louis-Xavier de Ricard
S.l, 31st December [1892], 15 p. in-8°, bespoke binding by Michel Kieffer

« I confess that I am anti-Jewish without being anti-Semitic »

EUR 200,-
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MESRINE, Jacques (1936-1979)

Autograph letter signed « EL VIEJO » to his mistress Jeanne Schneider
Fresnes prison, « QHS » 3rd March 1977, 2 pp. in-4°

« I wrote a letter to Badinter to put him in his place! because I accept criticism… but not from a guy like him »

EUR 950,-
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MESRINE, Jacques (1936-1979)

Autograph letter signed « Ton pirate » to his mistress Jeanne Schneider
[Prison de la Santé, Paris], 5th April [19]76, 2 pp. in-8°

« I spent a good part of the day writing my book »

EUR 800,-
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MESRINE, Jacques (1936-1979)

Autograph letter signed « Ton N°I el Viejo » to his mistress Jeanne Schneider
Fleury-Mérogis prison, 3rd December 1976, 3 p. in-4°

« I’m not a patient man with the 97% of faggots that surround us… I may kill one at the first serious discussion »

EUR 2.200,-
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MESRINE, Jacques (1936-1979)

Autograph letter signed « Ton pirate » to his mistress Jeanne Schneider
Fresnes prison, « QHS », 2nd March 1977, 2 pp. in-4°

« What a mess did my new book create »

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MESRINE, Jacques (1936-1979)

Autograph letter signed « Bibi » to his mistress Jeanne Schneider
[Saint-Vincent de Paul prison, Québec], 9 August [19]72, 2 pp. in-8°

« Our turn will come… dying is also part of life. In the meantime I’m alive and well »

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MONTIJO (de), Impératrice Eugénie (1826-1920)

Autograph letter signed « Eugénie » to Hortense Cornu
[Camden Place, Chislehurst] 13th January [1875], 8 pp. in-8°, mourning paper

« What a singular destiny which makes it so that the most French hearts, the Napoleons, must all to this day be laid in a foreign coffin »

EUR 1.900,-
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MONTIJO (de), impératrice Eugénie (1826-1920)

Autograph letter signed « Eugénie » to an unknown recipient
[Camden Place, Chislehurst], 4 February [18]73, 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« Sensitive to your sympathy and the regrets you express to me for the one we mourn »

EUR 450,-
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MONTIJO (de), Impératrice Eugénie (1826-1920)

Autograph letter signed « Eugénie » to Marie-Thérèse Bartholoni
Farnborough Hill, Hants, 4th November 1908, 4 p. in-8°

« The 15th of November has long ceased to be a feast for me, and the ranks of those who once celebrated it are thinning every day, for death is mowing down all around us »

EUR 500,-
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NAPOLÉON III (1808-1873)

Autograph letter signed « N » to Empress Eugénie
[Camden Place, Chislehurst], 2nd August [1872], 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« Your absence leaves a great void and although we live under the same roof we see little of each other, it is always very sweet to feel close to those we love »

EUR 950,-
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NECKER, Jacques (1732-1804)

Letter signed “Necker” to Mrs les Commissaires du Roi au Dept. du Nord
Paris, 27th July 1790, 1 p. in-folio on laid paper

EUR 700,-
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PASTEUR, Louis (1822-1895)

Autograph letter signed « L. Pasteur » to Professor Charles Bouchard
Paris, 19 July 1888, 3 pages in-8°

« We have tested his immunity by inoculation on the brain’s surface »

EUR 5.500,-
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PASTEUR, Louis (1822-1895)

Autograph letter signed twice, « Louis Pasteur » and « LP », to Comtesse Greffulhe
Paris, 20th February 1892, 2 pages squared in-8 on double sheet, Institut Pasteur letterhead.

“Think of the unnameable number of dogs which there would be to vaccinate in Paris !”


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PÉTAIN, Philippe (1856-1951)

Autograph letter signed « Petain » [to Jean-Louis Forain ?]
N.p, 10th August 1918, 1 p. in-8° on his letterhead

« A few corpses descend the Marne along the water… »

EUR 1.600,-
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POTOCKI, Jean (1761-1815)

Autograph letter signed « Jean Potocki » to Firmin Didot
Tulczyn, 1st December [1810], 1 1/4 p. in-4°

« I realize every day that it is difficult to see clearly in science when you are so far from the home of the enlightenment »

EUR 26.000,-
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PRINCE IMPÉRIAL, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1856-1879)

Autograph letter signed « Louis-Napoléon » to his friend Pierre de Bourgoing
Camden Place [Chislehurst], 27th February 1871, 2 p. in-8°

« Who would have thought, when we were fighting there with chestnuts last summer, that the French and the Prussians would cut each other’s throats! »

EUR 3.000,-
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PRINCE IMPÉRIAL, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1856-1879)

Autograph letter signed « Louis-Napoléon » to Édouard Frémy
Camden Place, 16th March 1872, 1 p. 1/2 petit in-8°

« I will reread these pages, which, as you say so well, are made to console us, and to give us hope for a better future »

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PRINCE IMPÉRIAL, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1856-1879)

Autograph letter signed « Louis-Napoléon » [to Marie Trotter]
Camden Place, Chislehurst (Kent), the 25th of March, 1871, 1 p. in-8°

« Thanks be to God, the Emperor is now with us… deeply moved, as we all were, by the sympathetic reception he had received from the English nation. »

EUR 850,-
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STALIN, Joseph (1878-1953)

Autograph letter signed « J. Stalin » to Marietta Sergeevna Shaginyan
N.p, 20th May 1931, 1 p. in-folio, red ink, in russian

« Just tell me concretely who I need to put pressure on »

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VACHER, Joseph (1869-1898)

Autograph letter signed « Joseph Vacher » to doctor Lacassagne
[Prison of] Belley, le 30 Xbre [December] 1897, 4 p. in-8°

Letter of a serial killer

EUR 3.000,-
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