Arts & Literature

From Hugo to Cocteau, David to Gauguin, Chopin to Boulez, we offer here a wide range of important autograph letters from the greatest artists of the past centuries.

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[BAUDELAIRE] CARJAT, Étienne (1828-1906)

Period albumen print
[Paris, between late 1861 and early 1862]. Wet stamp « Et. Carjat »

Étienne Carjat’s masterpiece, the only known period print

EUR 90.000,-
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[BAUDELAIRE] FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Gve Flaubert » to Jules Sandeau
Croisset, 26 January [1862], 2 p. in-8 on blue laid paper

« Yesterday I received a letter from Baudelaire inviting me to ask for your voice for his candidacy to the Academy »

EUR 5.500,-
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[BAUDELAIRE] VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed twice « Paul Verlaine » to Léon Deschamps
Paris, 23rd August 1892, 3 p. in-12° on bi-folio

« Baudelaire was my dearest fanaticism and is, that is to say, will remain one of my greatest admiration »

EUR 3.900,-
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[BAUDELAIRE] VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed « Paul Verlaine » to Léon Deschamps
Paris, 19th October 1890, 1 p. in-8°

« I had accompanied, very young and all obscure as I was, the coffin of Baudelaire »

EUR 15.000,-
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[BAUDELAIRE] ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph letter signed « Emile Zola » [to Léon Deschamps]
Paris, 20th March 1893, 1 p. in-8° on laid paper

« A few usual banal lines about Baudelaire… »

EUR 2.200,-
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[CAMUS] CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Autograph letter signed « René Char » to Marianne Oswald
N.p, 15th March, 2 p. in-8°

« Above all, we must talk about Albert and the abyssal emptiness that his disappearance caused. It is up to friendship to bloom this void »

EUR 1.400,-
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[CÉLINE] Capitaine Schneider & Colonel Blacque-Belair

Two autograph cards signed (Ledringhem, 2 & 27 Dec. 1914)
Autograph cards signed « Schneider » and « Colonel Blacque-Belair »

« I was happy to have been able to get your son the medal he deserved less for his wound than for his courage »

EUR 3.900,-
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[CHAR] ARAGON, Louis (1897-1982)

Autograph letter signed « Aragon » (draft), to René Char
[Paris, 10th August 1946], 1 p. 1/2 in-4°

« I do not accept to be lectured, I admit even less that it is claimed to be given to Esla. And the Olympian tone of your letter proves to me that if there are some who get lost, it is only in the image of kicking the ass »

EUR 2.300,-
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[DELACROIX] DEGAS, Edgar (1834-1917)

Autograph letter signed “Degas” to collector Montagnac
Np, 27 June [18]95, 2 pages in-8°

“I pay you as follow: three pastels from me”

EUR 4.900,-
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[DELACROIX] SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter signed « G.S. » to Eugène Delacroix
[Paris] Postal mark [23rd December 1841], 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« I saw your femmes d’Alger »

EUR 3.600,-
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[DELACROIX] SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter signed « George Sand » to Eugène Delacroix
[Nohant], 1st December [18]52, 2 p. in-8°

« No one understands you better than I do »

EUR 2.900,-
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[DELACROIX] SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter signed « G.S. » to Eugène Delacroix
[Nohant, 13 August 1843], 4 p. in-8°, autograph address on fourth folio

« I no longer exist, I told you. It’s been three years since I died, having committed suicide voluntarily to prevent myself from dying and not to drag a ridiculous agony »

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[DUMAS] FERRIER, Ida (1811-1859)

Autograph letter signed “Ida
[Between 1840 & 1844] Saturday, 1/2 p. in-12

I had instructed Alexandre to present them to you, but I believe that he has forgotten my committee”

EUR 250,-
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[FLAUBERT] Paul NADAR (1856-1939)

Late print showing Flaubert in bust
[Paris, c. 1910], cabinet format mounted thick cardboard

Scarce and legendary portrait of Flaubert by Nadar

EUR 3.800,-
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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter signed « Juliette » to Victor Hugo
[Paris], 16th April [1847], 4 pp. in-8°

« I spend my life desiring you, regretting you and trembling »

EUR 1.900,-
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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter to Victor Hugo
Paris, 20th April [18]77, 4 pp. in-24°

« My opinion is to delight you in everything and always and to adore you on both knees »

EUR 2.300,-
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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter signed « Juliette » to Victor Hugo
N.p, 12 February [1849], 4 pp. in-8°

« I like the violent and expeditious genre »

EUR 3.800,-
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[HUGO] QUINET, Alexandre (1836-1900)

Original photography of Victor Hugo by Alexandre Quinet
[Veules-les-Roses, c. 1882], 11,8 x 16,4 cm

Victor Hugo’s only period print at Veules-les-Roses, at his friend’s Paul Meurice

EUR 2.000,-
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[JARRY] QUENEAU, Raymond (1903-1976)

Autograph letter signed « Queneau » [to Michel Arrivé]
N.p, 9th August 1964, 1 p. in 8vo, NRF letterhead

“There is a chance […] so that a carefully drawn up plan by you leads to the realization of a Jarry volume in this honored collection”

EUR 400,-
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[LAMARTINE] LAMARTINE (de), Valentine (1821-1894)

Autograph letter signed « Valentine de Lamartine » to Victor de Laprade
Paris, 31st May 1872, 4 pp. in-8° on mourning paper

« Thank you, thank you for thus satisfying yourself in my work, the last worship that I can still render to the One who has been the Happiness and glory of my life. »

EUR 100,-
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[LISZT] PLEYEL, Marie (1811-1875)

Autograph letter signed « M. Pleyel » [to Louis Brandus?]
Brussels, n.d « 15th January » [after 1865], 1 p. in-8°

« Will you think me too indiscreet if I ask you to send me Liszt’s piece on the Indian march of the Africaine… »

EUR 450,-
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[MALLARMÉ] VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui
First edition [1885], n°296, 4 pp. in-4°

Very scarce proof copy, depicting Mallarmé as a faun, a pan flute in his hands

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[MANET] DAUDET, Léon (1867-1942)

Autograph manuscript signed « Léon Daudet »
N.p.n.d [Paris, June 1932], 4 pp. large in-4°

« Manet is the beauty of colour, the celebration of the decomposition of light through the prism »

EUR 950,-
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[MUSSET] SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles-Augustin (1804-1869)

Autograph letter signed « Ste Beuve » to Auguste Lacaussade
N.p.n.d, « this 21st July », 1 p. in-8° on creamy paper

« Musset should not be judged until after having reread Byron. Then one would have the true feeling of insults and distances »

EUR 400,-
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[NAPOLEON] DAVOUT, Louis-Nicolas (1770-1823)

Autograph letter signed « L Davout » to his wife, Aimée Leclerc
Osterode [current Ostróda in Poland], 16 April [1807], 6 p. in-4°

« We do not know here whether the peaceful intentions of our emperor will prevail over the intrigues of our eternal enemies, but in any case we are more able than ever to make them triumph by our arms »

EUR 1.800,-
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[NERVAL] COLON, Jenny (1808-1842)

Autograph letter signed “Jenny” to her friend Jouslin de la Salle
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-8 embossed to her initials

“Were you able to decipher William’s letter? As for me, I have nothing but one word is that he wanted to leave…”

EUR 500,-
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[NIETZSCHE] VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter (draft) to count Guy de Pourtalès
S.l, “Saturday 16 9bre [November] [19]29″, 2 p. in-8°

« The eternal return is only music »

EUR 2.900,-
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[PROUST] BOYER, Paul (1861-1952)

Original photograph by Paul Boyer
Period albumin print (c. 1891). Carte-de-visite format

Very scarce original photograph of young Marcel Proust

EUR 11.000,-
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[RIMBAUD] CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Autograph letter signed « René Char » to Marianne Oswald
L’Isle [sur-la-Sorgue], 25 April [19]68, 1 p. 1/4 in-8°

« More than ever I understand Rimbaud to have “gone away”…»

EUR 1.900,-
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[RIMBAUD] DELAHAYE, Ernest (1853-1930)

Autograph letter signed  “Ernest Delahaye” à Marcel Coulon
Maisons-Laffitte, 8th June 1929, 2 p. in-12, autograph envelope attached

“I will wait « gluttinously », as the man of A Season in Hell would say”

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[RIMBAUD] Paul VERLAINE (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed twice « P Verlaine » and « P.V » to Émile Bally
Paris [1st June 1894], 3 p. 1/2 in-8° with autograph envelope

« I am there, along with Rimbaud, Valade, d’Hervilly and three or four others »

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[RIMBAUD] VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui 
Original edition, n°318, 4 pp. in-4°

Proof copy with autograph corrections by Verlaine

EUR 8.500,-
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[RIMBAUD] VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed « Votre P Verlaine » to l’abbé Louis Le Cardonnel
Paris, 9 Feb[ruary] [18]86, 2 p. 1/4 in-8° on mourning paper

« I don’t really know where I’m going, it’s called not living anymore »

EUR 6.000,-
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[SATIE] JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph letter signed twice to the Salacrou couple
N.p.n.d [4th july 1925], 2 p. in-8°

« Oh! Satie! Nightmare! »

EUR 900,-
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[SCHUMANN, Clara] Fritz LUCKHARDT (1843-1894)

Portrait of Clara Wieck-Schumann, vintage albumen print
[Vienna, c. 1870], carte-de-visite format

Famous portrait of Clara Wieck-Schumann by Fritz Luckhardt

EUR 450,-
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[VALÉRY, Paul] Henri MANUEL (1874-1947)

Portrait of Paul Valéry, period film print
[Paris, c. 20’s], cabinet format

Handsome and scarce portrait of Paul Valéry by Henri Manuel

EUR 450,-
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[VAN GOGH] BERNARD, Émile (1868-1941)

Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui
First edition [1891], n°390, 4 pp. in-4°

Extremely rare original copy of the issue dedicated to Van Gogh

EUR 1.900,-
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[VERLAINE] KRANTZ, Eugénie (18–/1897)

Autograph letter signed twice “Eugénie Krantz” to Edmond Lepelletier
Paris, 39 rue Descartes, 8th January 1896, 2 pp. in-12 oblong

Extraordinary first-hand and unpublished testimony on Verlaine’s last moments, the day of his death

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[VERLAINE] KRANTZ, Eugénie (18–/1897)

Autograph letter signed several times “Eugénie Krantz” to Edmond Lepelletier
Paris 29th January [1896], 4 p. in-12

Hospitalized a few days after Verlaine’s death and abandoned by all, Eugénie Krantz calls for desperate help

EUR 1.500,-
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[VERLAINE] VERLAINE, Jeanne (18–/18–)

Autograph letter signed “J. Verlaine” to a gentleman (probably Edmond Lepelletier)
Rue Montholon [Paris], circa 1889, 2 pp. in-8

“I would assure you that, when he came to the Broussais hospital to visit Mr. Verlaine, he asked me for a way to sue his publisher Vanier against whom he was extremely irritated.”

EUR 300,-
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[WAGNER] GAUTIER (fils), Théophile (1836-1904)

Autograph letter signed « Théophile Gautier » to Louis Fourcaud
[Paris], 17th Jan[uary] 1886, 1 p. in-8°

« Saint-Saëns and Massenet will be nothing more than fading shadows »

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[ZOLA] FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Votre Gve Flaubert » to Emile Zola
[Paris, 17 December 1874], 1 p. in-8°

« Tourgueneff, de Goncourt & Daudet will be at my place on Sunday »

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[ZOLA] FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Two autograph letters signed « Gve Flaubert » to Émile Zola
[Croisset, 2th May and 3rd June 1874], 5 pp. in-8°

« It’s very strong! my good man! I read it all at once, and I am giddy with it »

EUR 8.000,-
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[ZOLA] FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Votre vieux Gve Flaubert » to Emile Zola
Croisset, Sunday [15 février 1880], 3 p. in-8°

« Nana turns into myth, without ceasing to be real »

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[ZOLA] FLAUBERT, Gustave, (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Gus Flaubert » to Émile Zola
[Croisset, 25th July 1876], 3 p. in-8°

« I received yesterday from our young friend Maupassant a very pleasant epistle, and full of the detail of his lust – on a boat, with a fat woman »

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[ZÜRN] BELLMER, Hans (1902-1975)

Autograph letter signed « Bellmer » to Marc Duprat
[October 1970 ?], Friday evening, 2 pp. in-8°

« Give Unica your personal impression that I… sincerely regrets having provoked this awful breakup in such a brutal way »

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APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume (1880-1918)

Epistolary autograph poem signed « Guillaume Apollinaire », to André Billy
Nîmes, 20th March 1915, 1 p. in-8° on Café Tortoni’s letterhead

« On his beautiful forehead shines a flame / In his hand blooms a twig »

EUR 8.000,-
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APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume (1880-1918)

First draft manuscript for the poem “Le Voyageur”, from the poem collection Alcools
N.p.n.d [c. 1909-1910], 2 p. in-4to, black ink, multiple corrections

« Deux matelots qui ne s’étaient jamais quittés »

EUR 45.000,-
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APOLLINAIRE, Jacqueline, born Kolb (1891-1967)

Two autograph letters signed « Jacqueline » to Angelika de Kostrowitsky
[Paris, 4th and 6th January 1918], 2 p. in-8°

« The local major sent him to the hospital where he was trepanned »

EUR 2.000,-
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ARAGON, Louis (1897-1982)

Autograph poem signed « Aragon »
[Paris], 25 January [1945], 2 p. in-4°

« My love, I was in your arms »

EUR 8.500,-
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ARAGON, Louis (1897-1982)

Autograph poem: Sans mot dire
N.p.n.d [late 1919], 1 p. in-8°

« My pain is none of your business »

EUR 5.500,-
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ARAGON, Louis (1897-1982)

Autograph manuscript on his vision of poetry
N.p.n.d [50s], 6 pp. in-4°

« However, Arthur Rimbaud… »

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ARAGON, Louis (1897-1982)

Autograph letter signed « Aragon » [to Elisabeth de Clermont-Tonnerre]
N.p.n.d, [1950], 1 p. in-4°

« Excuse me, Madam, for not wanting to have lunch with Thomas Mann… »

EUR 4.000,-
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ARAGON, Louis (1897-1982)

Autograph letter signed « Aragon » [to Philippe Hériat]
N.p.n.d [Paris, 18th November 1968], 1 p. in-4°

« You know I was planning to come this Monday… and try to overlook an incident whose consequences were unpleasant, to say the least »

EUR 1.400,-
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ARTAUD, Antonin (1896-1948)

Autograph letter signed « Antonin Artaud » to his sister Marie-Ange Malausséna
Espalion, 7th April 1946, 2 pages in-8

« You would do me a great service by sending me 4 or 5 tubes »

EUR 2.000,-
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ARTAUD, Antonin (1896-1948)

Autograph letter signed “Antonin Artaud” to his sister Marie-Ange Malausséna
Espalion, 11th April 1946, 4 pages in-8

“High-dose heroin does not cause addiction when it is of good quality”

EUR 4.500,-
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ARTAUD, Antonin (1896-1948)

Autograph letter signed « Antonin Artaud » to Adrienne Monnier
Psychiatric Hospital of Ville-Evrard, 4th March 1939, 2 p. in-4° with enveloppe

« This story of look-alikes is as old as centuries, and all the great characters throughout history have found real doubles »

EUR 8.500,-
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BALZAC (de), Honoré (1799-1850)

Autograph letter signed « de Balzac » to Charles Motte
[Paris], « 8 8bre » [October 1831], 2 p. in-8°

« Let me add seriously that I offer you my book »

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BALZAC (de), Honoré (1799-1850)

Autograph letter signed in the third person « M. de Balzac » to Maurice Schlesinger
N.d.n.p, Sunday [1837], 1/2 p. in-8 with autograph address

“It is absolutely necessary to agree on Gambara”

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BARBARA, Monique Serf, dite (1930-1997)

Autograph letter signed « Barbara » to Jean [Poissonnier]
N.p.n.d [Amsterdam, c. 1965], 1 p. 1/2 in-8°, Apollo Hotel letterhead

« It’s a lot of light and shadow, it’s far, far away… »

EUR 2.200,-
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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

Autograph letter signed « C.B. » to his mother, Madame Aupick
[Brussels], « Monday 13th November 1865 », 4 p. in-8°

« I feel forgotten. I am sad. I’m no longer good for anything. I’m bored to death »

EUR 17.000,-
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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

Autograph letter signed « Charles » to his mother, Madame Aupick
[Paris], « Wednesday » [28th October 1863], 1 p. in-8°

« I distrust the Belgians »

EUR 4.200,-
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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

Autograph letter signed « Charles » to his mother, Madame Aupick
[Paris], 1st July 1853, 3 p. in-8°

« What is quite certain is that I no longer want to give anything to chance in my life, and that I claim that the will occupies the full extent of it »

EUR 14.000,-
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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

[Second notice on] Pierre Dupont – Corrected proof
[Paris] 6th June 1861 [stamped], 11 p. in-8vo bradel

“The public was so tired of Victor Hugo’s tireless faculties, his indestructible beauties”

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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

Autograph letter signed « Charles Baudelaire » to Alphonse de Calonne
[Paris], 23rd February [18]64, 1 p. in-8° on blue paper

« A heavy work, I assure you, but of which I am quite happy »

EUR 6.500,-
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BEAUMARCHAIS (de), Pierre-Augustin Caron (1732-1799)

Autograph letter signed « Beaumarchais » to comedian Préville
Paris, 31st March 1784, 2 pp. on bi-folio in-8°

« My play isn’t a big thing ; but seeing it in the theater is the result of four years of fighting »

EUR 20.000,-
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BEAUMARCHAIS (de), Pierre-Augustin Caron (1732-1799)

Autograph letter signed « Beaumarchais » to Pierre-Charles-Louis Baudin
N.p, « ce 15 floréal » [4th May 1797], 1 p. small in-8°

« And I, a useless man! I beg you to accept the dreams of my hat »

EUR 5.500,-
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BEAUVOIR (de), Simone (1908-1986)

Autograph manuscript for her essay Must we burn Sade ?
N.p.n.d [1951], 7 pages in-4 on grid paper

“Sade’s eroticism is no longer just an individual attitude; it is also a challenge for society”

EUR 4.000,-
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BEAUVOIR (de), Simone (1908-1986)

Autograph manuscript (fragments) accompanied by an autograph letter signed for La Longue Marche – Essai sur la Chine
[Paris, 1956] 15 pages in-4°, with two autograph envelopes

« China is not a political entity; I guess with joy, that it has a sky, its colors, its trees, a flesh »

EUR 4.800,-
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BEAUVOIR (de), Simone (1908-1986)

Autograph letter signed « S. de Beauvoir » to Berthe Mandinaud
[Paris, 17th December 1957], 1/4 p. in-4°

« With all my gratitude »

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BELLMER, Hans (1902-1945)

Autograph letter signed « HB » to Joë Bousquet
Revel, Tuesday 11 Sept[ember] 1945, 1 p. in-4° on pink paper

« I write like an articulated doll »

EUR 2.500,-
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BERGSON, Henri (1859-1941)

Autograph letter signed « H. Bergson » to Michel Georges-Michel
Saint-Cergue, 1st August 1926, 3 pp. in-8°

« There is an uninterrupted current of humour that flows through these pages and is not, it must be admitted, the characteristic of my work »

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BERNARD, Émile (1868-1941)

Autograph manuscript signed « Émile Bernard »
N.p.n.d, 10 p. in-4°

« David’s nefarious work being accomplished, Gros had died for art »

EUR 1.500,-
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BLIXEN, Karen (1885-1962)

Autograph letter signed « Karen Blixen » to Negley Farson
Rungstedlund, Rungsted Kyst, 20.12.1957, 3 pp. in-8°

« The greatest passion of my life has been my love for the Africans! »

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BORGES, Jorge Luis (1899-1986)

Autograph card-letter signed with his initials to Ricardo Güiraldes
[Buenos Aires, 7th December 1926], 1 p. small in-8°

« Ya con un pie en el estribo en literales vísperas de empamparme »

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BOULEZ, Pierre (1925-2016)

Autograph card signed « PB » to André Dubois
[Cologne, 10 IX 1952], 1 p. in-8° on a postcard’s verso

« What shall I tell you about the journeys in this divine valley that Victor Hugo has not already said? »

EUR 300,-
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BOURDELLE, Antoine (1861-1929)

Autograph letter signed « Bourdelle » to a friend
Paris, 12th April 1920, 2 pp. in-8°

« My technique, learned and supplemented by Rodin, is even inscribed in portraiture »

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BOURDELLE, Antoine (1861-1929)

Autograph letter signed « Ant Bourdelle » [to André Fontainas]
Paris, November 1928 [in reality 25th December], 4 pp. in-4°

« The two Beethoven »

EUR 3.800,-
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BOURDELLE, Antoine (1861-1929)

Autograph letter signed « Bourdelle » to M. Thiebaut-Sissou
Paris, 9th March 1920, 1 p. in-8°

« I won’t be exhibiting at the show, or very little. I am at great work and that alone binds me »

EUR 300,-
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BOUSQUET, Jöe (1897-1950)

6 autograph letters signed, all adressed to Variétés journal
Carcassonne, 1946-1947, 21 pages in-8

Cosmic reality and color, Dubuffet & Bellmer…

EUR 2.900,-
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BRAQUE, Georges (1882-1963)

Autograph letter signed « Georges Braque », to Daniel Wallard
N.p, 19th February 19[44], 4 p. in-12°

« I will now get back to work, of which I have the violent desire »

EUR 1.700,-
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BRAQUE, Georges (1882-1963)

Autograph letter signed « G Braque » to a « dear friend »
Paris, 4th June 1943, 2 pp. in-8°

« Nature does not give us the taste for perfection, we can not conceive it better or worse »

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BUKOWSKI, Charles (1920-1994)

Letter signed « Buk » to Raphaël Sorin
N.p, 17 Oct[ober] 1977, 1 p. in-4°

« I am punching it out, almost madly… drinking 2 to 3 bottles of wine a night, playing the horses during the day, fighting with my girlfriend off and on »

EUR 1.900,-
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CAILLEBOTTE, Gustave (1848-1894)

Autograph letter signed « G Caillebotte » to Claude Monet
S.l.n.d, Friday [Petit-Gennevilliers, after 1887], 1 p. in-8°

« Effet extraordinaire en masse »

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CAILLEBOTTE, Gustave (1848-1894)

Autograph letter signed « G Caillebotte » to Claude Monet 
N.p.n.d, Friday [Petit-Gennevilliers, after 1887 ?], 3 pp. in-8°

« I have covered a lot of canvases and wasted a lot of colour »

EUR 4.000,-
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CAMUS, Albert (1913-1960)

Autograph letter signed « Albert Camus » to Jean-Louis Barrault
N.p, [Paris] Tuesday 6th October 1953

« You see, I’m excited… And not only excited, but also moved, and vaguely proud »

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CARROLL, Lewis (1832-1898)

Autograph letter signed « C.L. Dodgson » to Mr Burton
Eastbourne, Aug[ust] 25 [18]77, 2 p. in-12° with pink ink

« I hope you will excuse the liberty… I took a few days ago in making friends with your little daughter »

EUR 17.000,-
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CASSATT, Mary (1844-1926)

Autograph letter signed « Mary Cassatt » to Achille Segard
Villa Angeletto – Grasse, 14th April [1913], 6 p. in-8° on mourning paper

« And then I wanted to be such a great painter, Titian or Rembrandt, just that… »

EUR 18.000,-
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CÉLINE, Louis Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph manuscript (fragment) for his novel Nord
S.l.n.d [Meudon, entre 1957 et 1859], 1 p. in-4°

« Et vlang ! referme la lourde ! malades ?.. je crois pas… mais au moins nous voici fixés ! »

EUR 800,-
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CÉLINE, Louis Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph notes on press clipping
[Copenhagen, 28th October 1945], 1 p. large in-4°

« It’s like the good old days of the Gestapo! »

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CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph letter (fragment ?) [to Robert le Vigan]
N.p.n.d [c. 1955], 1 p.1/2  in-4°

« Neither Jews, nor blacks, nor whites, nor Indians exist in the face of yellow miscegenation »

EUR 2.500,-
Add to Selection

CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph letter signed « LD » to Jean-Gabriel Daragnès
Copenhagen, 19th March [19]47, 2 p. in-4°

« Everything eventually comes to light »

EUR 2.200,-
Add to Selection

CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph letter signed « Louis » to his wife Lucette Destouches
[Vestre Faengsel Prison, Copenhagen], 16 February [194]6, 2 p. in-folio

« I will soon be found to be the Main Person responsible for all the Jewish martyrs… »

EUR 4.900,-
Add to Selection

CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph letter signed « LF » to Jean-Gabriel Daragnès
N.p, [Danemark], « le Dimanche » [25th June 1950], 4 p. in-folio

« I think we’re going to get back on a lease with life »

EUR 1.600,-
Add to Selection

CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph letter signed twice, « Des » and « Louis », to his wife Lucette
Københavns Fængsler’s prison, 22nd August 1946, 2 pp. in-4°

« Unfortunately, I no longer have enough years, months to live to puke all that I have swallowed in these months of resentment, humiliation and hatred »

EUR 3.800,-
Add to Selection

CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand (1894-1961)

Autograph letter signed “LFCéline” to his friends Descaves
Copenhagen, 7th July [1947], (c/o Mikkelsen), 2 pages in-folio

“France does not deserve its writers”

EUR 2.800,-
Add to Selection

CENDRARS, Blaise (1887-1961)

Autograph letter signed « Blaise » to Louis Brun
[Biarritz], 7th January 1933, 2 p. in-4to with envelope

« I’m not writing for an award »

EUR 2.000,-
Add to Selection

CEZANNE, Paul (1839-1906)

Autograph letter signed « Paul Cézanne » to Octave Mirbeau
Aix [en-Provence], 11th July 1903, 2 pp. in-8°

« I continue to seek, to develop through drawing and color the idea of art that I think I have »

Add to Selection

CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Autograph poem signed « René Char »
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-4°

« Dans le berceau conciliant / Ou tu rougis petite aurore »

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CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Period film print, inscribed by Char
[L’Isle-sur-Sorgue], 1960, 1 p. in-8°

« A Marianne, son ami proche »

Add to Selection

CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Autograph letter signed « René Char » to Marianne Oswald
N.p, 11 January 1950, 1 p. in-4°

« I killed some bastards out of military and civic necessity in 1940-1944 »

Add to Selection

CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Autograph letter signed « René Char » [to Marianne Oswald]
L’Isle-sur-Sorgue, 15th Oct[ober] [19]49, 1 p. in-4°

« I’m always ill, having no envy for my books done or to be done. Life is constantly oscillating between fire and dung. »

EUR 650,-
Add to Selection

CHAR, René (1907-1988)

Autograph letter signed « R. Char » to Marianne Oswald
N.p.n.d, 2 p. in-8°

« Read my poems, they are composed for this, but do not ask me to show myself, nor to flaunt my poetic existence »

EUR 400,-
Add to Selection

CHASSERIAU, Théodore (1819-1856)

Autograph letter signed “Thre Chasseriau” to M. Lanthy
Wednesday at noon [14 September 1853], 1 p. in-8 with autograph address

“I am very embarrassed at the moment”

EUR 450,-
Add to Selection

CHATEAUBRIAND (de), François-René (1768-1848)

Autograph letter signed « Chateaubriand » to Laure de Cottens
Paris, 27 December 1832, 4 pp. in-4°

« I hoped to work in peace to my memories and never see again a homeland that is no longer one for me »

Add to Selection

CHATEAUBRIAND (de), François-René (1768-1848)

Autograph letter signed « Le Vte de Chateaubriand » to Abel
Paris, 29th 7bre [September] 1815, 4 pp. in-8°

« I demanded freedom of thought, which brought Buonaparte’s fury and his new threats to have me shot »

EUR 7.800,-
Add to Selection

CHATEAUBRIAND (de), François-René (1768-1848)

Autograph letter signed « C » [to Louis de Fontanes ?]
[La Vallée-aux-Loups] 9 7bre [September] 1813, 3 p. in-8°

« I am as old as Herod. I only dream of the history of the past. I’m only in love with Agnès Sorel »

EUR 3.200,-
Add to Selection

CLAUDEL, Paul (1868-1955)

Autograph manuscript signed « Paul Claudel »
N.p, 4th January 1951, 2 p. in-4°

« Joan is tied to her pole which represents faith. She is rooted in an immutable certainty »

Add to Selection

CLAUDEL, Paul (1868-1955)

Autograph letter signed « P. Cl. » [to Joseph Desclausais]
W[ashington], 15th March 1933, 3 p. 1/4 large in-8°

« I thought you were theological, and I see that you know less than a 12-year-old »

EUR 600,-
Add to Selection

COCTEAU, Jean (1889-1963)

Two autograph letters signed « Jean Cocteau » to Henri Duvernois
N.p.n.d, c. 1912, 2 p. in-4°

« Not an article about “Dance”. It’s funny! »

EUR 350,-
Add to Selection

COCTEAU, Jean (1889-1963)

Autograph letter signed “Ton Jean” to Marianne
Milly, Monday 20th May [1958], 1 page in-4 adorned with an original drawing

“I have to do a job with Karajan at the Opera House”

EUR 900,-
Add to Selection

COCTEAU, Jean (1889-1963)

Autograph letter signed “Jean C” to Henri Duvernois
[Ville de Monts] Indre-et-Loire, 26 September 1913, 1 p. in-8

“I have a hundred eyes to read Nounette

EUR 250,-
Add to Selection

COCTEAU, Jean (1889-1963)

Autograph letter signed twice « Jean Cocteau » and « Jean » to Michaël Smithies
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, 3rd June 1956, 6 pages in-8° with envelope

« Art escapes progress »

EUR 950,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « Colette de Jouvenel » to a colleague
[Paris], n.d (between November 1916 and December 1926), 1 p. in-4°

« I only spent a few hours in Nice… »

EUR 250,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « Votre Colette » to the Guillermet
S.l, [15th April 1946], 2 p. in-8°

« If at least my book (L’étoile Vesper) had come out in time, you would have had it for your birthday »

EUR 350,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « Colette de Jouvenel » to Charles Sylvestre
[Paris, 21st March 1922], 1 p. in-4° with envelope

« Apart from my relatives, no one notices that Colette was a saint! »

EUR 350,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « Colette » to a friend
[11th December 1949], 2 p. in-4°

« The Goncourt, my works, and my ills have turned me away from my best friends »

EUR 600,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « Colette Willy » to Alfred Diard
N.p.n.d (between 1893 and 1906), 1 p. in-8°

« A box of Velvet Soap… »

EUR 250,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « ta Colette » to Marguerite Moreno
[La Treille Muscate – Saint Tropez, September 1929], 4 pp. in-4°

« She has boyish shirts and young negress breasts—the most beautiful, you know. And she swims underwater like a little shark »

EUR 1.500,-
Add to Selection

COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)

Autograph letter signed « Colette de Jouvenel » to her « dear Sacha »
[Paris, 1923], 2 pp. in-4°

« Ripening Seed will soon be published »

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DALÍ, Salvador (1904-198

Original drawings and autograph poem
N.p.n.d [c. 1935], 1 p. in-8° (16 x 20,5 cm)

« I empty my evil »

EUR 22.500,-
Add to Selection

DALÍ, Salvador (1904-1989)

Original silver print enriched with a signed autograph inscription
[Portlligat, 1977], 13,8 x 14,4 cm

Nice print depicting Dalí in conversation, doubly autographed by him and enriched with an original drawing

EUR 4.200,-
Add to Selection

DALÍ, Salvador (1904-1989)

Period film print
[Portlligat, c. 1977] 27,3 x 19 cm

Spectacular signature of the artist on a print representing one of his most emblematic works

EUR 4.200,-
Add to Selection

DAUDET, Alphonse (1840-1897)

Autograph letter signed « Alphonse Daudet » [to Timoléon Ambroy]
[Paris, c. 23rd August 1870], 4 pp. in-12°

« It is a new instinct that is being pushed into me: the patriotic instinct »

Add to Selection

DEGAS, Edgar (1834-1917)

Autrograph card-letter signed « Degas » to Albert Bartholomé
[Paris, 16th December 1899], 1 p. in-12

« The Forains come to dine with the young Rouart »

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DELACROIX, Eugène (1798-1863)

Autograph letter signed « E. Delacroix » to Félix Guillemardet
[Souillac], 30 8bre [October] 1820, 3 p. 1/2 large in-4°

« Goodbye sketches and studies. I miss you very much »

EUR 3.900,-
Add to Selection

DELACROIX, Eugène (1798-1863)

Autograph letter signed « E Delacroix » to a unknown recipient
[Paris, 6 rue de Fürstenberg], 15 July 1863

« I am keeping the room and unable to get out »

EUR 2.200,-
Add to Selection

DELEUZE, Gilles (1925-1995)

First draft autograph manuscript with corrections
N.d.n.p (c. 1985), 1 p. in-4 numbered “8”

“It is probably necessary to go back to Lukács, whose History and Class Consciousness already posed the question of a new subjectivity”

EUR 1.400,-
Add to Selection

DESBORDES-VALMORE, Marceline (1786-1859)

Autograph letter signed « Marceline Valmore » to Charles Pierquin de Gembloux
[Paris], 6th June 1833, 3 pp. in-8°

« I have had the publisher give you a volume of Les Pleurs to a bookseller in Grenoble »

EUR 950,-
Add to Selection

DESBORDES-VALMORE, Marceline (1786-1859)

Autograph poem : « Romance » [Seule au Rendez-vous]
N.p.n.d [after 1833], 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« Ô menteur ! qui disait sa vie / Nouée au fuseau de mon sort »

EUR 4.500,-
Add to Selection

DORVAL, Marie (1798-1849)

Autograph letter signed “Marie Dorval” to a doctor friend
20 April 1825, 1 p. ½ in-8

“You seemed to want to see les Enfants d’Edouard

EUR 250,-
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DORVAL, Marie (1798-1849)

A set of twenty-two autograph letters, of which three are signed, to Alfred de Vigny
[Paris, Reims, Versailles and Rouen], 72 p. in various formats, two autograph envelopes

« All those words in your letter are so many stabs in my heart »

EUR 12.000,-
Add to Selection

DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor (1821-1881)

Period albumen portrait by Vezenberg & Co
Saint Petersburg [1879], cdv format

Very scarce portrait of the author of Crime and Punishment

EUR 6.000,-
Add to Selection

DUMAS (fils), Alexandre (1824-1895)

Autograph letter signed “A Dumas” to an unknown recipient
N.d.n.p [Paris], 5 pages in-8 on two double sheets

“They send me back to my Dame aux camélias, to my cocottes”

EUR 600,-
Add to Selection

DUMAS (père), Alexandre (1802-1870)

Autograph poem signed « Alex Dumas »
N.p.n.d [after 1836], 1 p. in-folio

« Virgin, to whom the chalice of bitter liquor… »

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DUMAS (père), Alexandre (1802-1870)

Original photograph with autograph inscription « A. Dumas »
N.p.n.d [after 1860], c.d.v format (9,8 x 5,5 cm)

« My dear little Augustine… »

EUR 1.400,-
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DUMAS (père), Alexandre (1802-1870)

Autographe manuscript
N.p.n.d [6th December 1854], 1 p. in-8°

« I remember in what implacable frosts and in what heroic fire this literary boast of the Emperor Napoleon was written »

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DUMAS (père), Alexandre 1802-1870

Autograph letter signed « A Dumas » to the « Patriarch of Jerusalem »
S.l, 15 April [18]47, 2 p. 1/2 in-8°, with autograph envelope

« It’s only by working 18 hours a day that I can not cope with everyone, but support myself »

EUR 900,-
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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph poem signed « Paul Eluard »
N.p.n.d, 2 p. in-folio on thin green paper

« The eyelid of the sun lowers on your face »

EUR 10.000,-
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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph poem, in honor of Gabriel Péri
N.p.n.d [after 1945], 1 p. in-folio (30,9 x 20,9 cm)

«  Péri est mort pour ce qui nous fait vivre / Tutoyons-le sa poitrine est trouée »

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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph poem signed « Paul Eluard »
N.p, 1942, 1 p. in-folio (21 x 31 cm) on brown paper

« The night before his death / Was the shortest of his life »

EUR 15.000,-
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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph manuscript signed « Paul Eluard »
N.p.n.d [c. May 1943], 6 p. in-8°

« Will I be the one who kills / Or the one who is being killed »

EUR 5.500,-
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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph manuscript signed « Paul Eluard »
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-4

« Poetry is a reflection of the world. What I say is what I see and I must necessarily find an echo in the hearts of my fellow men »

EUR 3.400,-
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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph poem signed « Paul Eluard »
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-8°

« Garcia Lorca was put to death »

EUR 5.500,-
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ÉLUARD, Paul (1895-1952)

Autograph letter signed “Votre Eluard” to Joe Bousquet
[Arosa 4th November 1928], 4 pages in-4, autograph envelope attached

“Day by day, my body eats my head. I can’t wait to leave this place. Too many nerves, too many nightmares”

EUR 6.800,-
Add to Selection

FLAUBERT, Achille Cléophas (1784-1846)

Autograph letter signed « Flaubert » to Charles Vacquerie
Rouen le 12 Xbre [December] 1838, 1 p. 1/2 in-4° in black ink

« I think at this moment that a bloodletting of the arms is useful to you »

EUR 3.200,-
Add to Selection

FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Gve Flaubert » to Paule Sandeau
Croisset près Rouen, Sunday [26th August 1860], 1 p. in-8°

« I want to see your pretty eyes, your pretty mouth & and I kiss both of your hands »

Add to Selection

FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Gve Flaubert » to Paule Sandeau
[Croisset], 1er 7bre [septembre 1861], 3 p. in-8° on blue laid paper

« You will see that my prediction will come true: my book will not have much effect »

EUR 2.800,-
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FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Gve Flaubert » to Paule Sandeau
[Croisset], Saturday [16th November 1867], 3 p. in-8° on blue laid paper

« After that one, good evening! I will say goodbye to the bourgeois for the rest of my life »

EUR 3.900,-
Add to Selection

FOUCAULT, Michel (1926-1984)

Autograph letter signed “M Foucault” to Claude Bonnefoy
N.p, 14th December [1965], 1 page 1/4 in-4

“It was a challenge – it seems to me – to talk about Genet after Sartre”

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GARCÍA LORCA, Federico (1898-1936)

Original drawing titled « Poesia »
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-8° on double folio

Touching drawing of the poet soberly titled « Poesia »

EUR 15.000,-
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GAUGUIN, Paul (1848-1903)

Autograph letter signed « Paul Gauguin » to a collector
N.p.n.d [Paris, 1st or 2nd November 1893], 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« The exhibition will be launched on the 9th »

EUR 9.000,-
Add to Selection

GAUGUIN, Paul (1848-1903)

Autograph letter signed « Paul Gauguin » to Daniel de Monfreid
[Tahiti], November 1895, 3 p. 1/4 in-4°

« Every night frenzied girls invade my bed; yesterday I had three to function »

EUR 55.000,-
Add to Selection

GAUTIER, Théophile (1811-1872)

Autograph poem signed « Théophile Gautier »
[N.p.n.d], 1 p. in-8° in black ink on blue laid paper

« And on the mournful, doleful hill / I see my final dwelling-place »

EUR 4.800,-
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GENET, Jean (1910-1986)

Fragment of an autograph poem
N.p.n.d [Paris, prison de la Santé – 1943], 1/4 p. in4°

« My quail bundled up, crushed under my fingers »

EUR 2.000,-
Add to Selection

GENET, Jean (1910-1986)

First draft manuscript
N.p.n.d [c. 1955], 3/4 p. in-4° in blue ink

« Beautiful girls of France, get your asses ready! »

EUR 4.000,-
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GENET, Jean (1910-1986)

Autograph manuscript (first draft)
N.p.n.d [1971], 4 p. 1/2 in-4°

« The target remained the same: a Negro who thinks… whose book is the announcement and preparation of a black revolution »

EUR 4.500,-
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GENEVOIX, Maurice (1890-1980)

Autograph letter signed “Maurice Genevoix” à un confrère
Châteauneuf s/ Loire (Loiret), 24 January 1927, 1 page in-4

“I’m lazy enough to, when I work, only be able to work”

EUR 300,-
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GIACOMETTI, Alberto (1901-1966)

Autograph letter signed « Alberto Giacometti » to David Thompson
Paris, 2th August 1956, 3 p. in-8°

« Because of sculpture I am forced to neglect painting »

EUR 9.000,-
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GIDE, André (1869-1951)

Autograph card signed “André Gide” to Michel Levesque
La Souco, 14th February [19]30, 1 page in-12 on the verso of a postcard

“I’ll see if there’s still a copy of Un Esprit non prévenu…”

EUR 450,-
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GIDE, André (1869-1951)

Autograph letter signed “André Gide” to Joseph Billiet
Cuverville, 15th MArch 1919, 2 p. 1/2 in-4

“It is about finding happiness beyond, beyond distress”

EUR 950,-
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GIONO, Jean (1895-1970)

Autograph postcard signed « Jean Giono » to Anna Robin
Manosque, [31st August 1941], 1 p. in-8°

« I owe a great deal of my happiness to you »

EUR 450,-
Add to Selection

GIONO, Jean (1895-1970)

Autograph letter signed « Jean » to Blanche Meyer
[Manosque] Friday evening [fall 1949], 3 p. in-8°

« I remember the sound of rain on the leaves and those great gestures both desperate and loving that the tall trees deploy in the autumn rain »

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GONCOURT (de), Edmond (1822-1896)

Autograph letter signed « Edmond de Goncourt » to a lady
N.p, 5 7bre [September] [18]93, 2 p. in-8°

« Jules’ coffin has remained intact, and so there is now, without new digging, a place for Edmond de Goncourt »

EUR 900,-
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GONCOURT (de), Jules (1830-1870)

Autograph letter signed « J. de Goncourt » to a lady
Château de St Gratien, 29th July  [18]68, 1 p. in-8°

« We are very sensitive to the testimony of affection that you give us »

EUR 350,-
Add to Selection

GUITRY, Sacha (1885-1957)

Autograph letter signed twice « Sacha Guitry » to a gentleman
N.p.n.d «3 in the morning », 1 p. in-4°

« 3 o’clock in the morning – really! »

EUR 550,-
Add to Selection

GUYOTAT, Pierre (1940-2020)

Autograph manuscript
N.p.n.d, 6 p. in-folio

« Jean de la Fontaine: Very handsome boy, very whore »

EUR 2.200,-
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HEREDIA (de), José-Maria (1842-1905)

Autograph signed quatrain « M. de Heredia » to the marquise de Saint-Paul
N.p.n.d [1894], 1 p. in-8°

« Carmen m’a donné la rose / Qui sur son cœur s’effeuillait »

EUR 200,-
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HUGO, Georges (1868-1925)

A set of seventeen autograph letters signed, accompanied with an original drawing
Guernesey, Paris, Toulon and Lunel, between 1885 and 1917, 41 p. in various formats

« It was during one of those evenings, in the middle of a storm like this, that my grandfather had to write Gilliatt’s battles »

Add to Selection

HUGO, Victor (1802-1855)

Autograph letter to Alphonsine Masson
[Marine Terrace, Jersey], 5th August [1855], 4 pp. small in-12°

« And every night I look up there, I make signs of intelligence to the heavenly eyes of the night, and it seems to me that I see her »

EUR 10.000,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph manuscript (copeau)
N.p.n.d [Hauteville-House], 2 p. in-8°

« He comes, and we see the dawn through his pink fingers »

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo” to a critic
28 January [1870], H[auteville] H[ouse], [Guernesey], 1 p. in-4

“I dedicate, like Aeschylus, my works to time”

EUR 6.000,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph draft of a poem fragment
N.p.n.d, [Guernesey, c. 1854], 1 p. in-12° on thin blue paper

« Ils ouvrent cette nuit que nul rayon ne perce / Ils y font brusquement tomber à la renverse / Les pâles cadavres béants ! »

EUR 3.900,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Original photograph by Pierre Petit
Period albumen print (1861). Name card format

The very first photograph of Victor Hugo with a beard

EUR 350,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

“Mini” autograph letter signed « V. » to Émile Allix
H[auteville] H[house], 25th July [1862], 2 p. small in-24° on blue paper

« I’m going to see my Charles in a few days. It will be a deep joy, and I deserve it a little after this heavy work »

EUR 4.500,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph fragments for a satirical poem
S.l.n.d [Guernesey, 1870], two teared strips in-4°

« Brunet was once a clown. He was radiant / Above humans by dint of stupidity »

EUR 1.400,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Draft of an autograph poem
N.p.n.d [Guernesey, 1859], 1 p. in-8° (140 x 145 cm)

« Never mind O traitor! at point-blank range my book shoots you! »

EUR 7.500,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed « Victor Hugo » [to Edgar Quinet ?]
H.H., 7th July, 1 p. in-8° on blue laid paper

« I see it in England, alas, narrow and intolerant, and profoundly hostile to progress »

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HUYSMANS, Joris-Karl (1848-1907)

Poème autographe [signed]
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-8° on laid paper

« It’s all right, little man, oh yes! do it, harder »

EUR 4.500,-
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INDY, Vincent d’ (1851-1931)

Autograph letter signed “Vincent d’Indy“, enhanced with autograph CV
Bruxelles, 24th November 1896, 5 p. 1/2 small in-8

So I’m just sending you a very simple story of organist, timbalier, conductor of hearts, composer…”

EUR 350,-
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INGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867)

Autograph letter signed “Ingres” to M. Beroggi
N.d.n.p, Saturday, 1 p. in-12

“Our modest dinner next Monday, with too unworthy accompaniment of a Haydn Sonata”

EUR 1.200,-
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JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph letter signed « Max Jacob » to Raymond Trillat
[St Benoît-sur-Loire], 12th September [1942], 2 p. in-4°

« Here daily visits to such an extent that a report was made (denunciation) to the police… »

EUR 900,-
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JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph letter signed « Max Jacob » to Pierre Lagarde
St Benoît sur Loire, 6th April 1942, 1 p. in-4°

« What would you say if one of your own was in a concentration camp and died there… »

EUR 1.200,-
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JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph poem signed « Max Jacob » to Pierre Lagarde
St Benoît sur Loire, 17th August 1936, 1 p. in-4°

« Will love come back? »

EUR 1.400,-
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JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph letter signed « Max » to Pierre Lagarde
[St Benoît sur Loire], 10th August [19]42, 1 p. in-4°

« I can suffer more from my gossip, my sensual glances, than from the persecution of the Jews »

EUR 800,-
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JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph letter signed « Max Jacob » to Marcel Thiébaut
Monastère de St Benoît-sur-Loire, 16th May 1924, 2 p. in-8° on bi-folio

« You have exuded the character of my heroes better than I have done myself »

EUR 300,-
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JACOB, Max (1876-1944)

Autograph letter signed « Max Jacob » to Pierre Lagarde
St Benoît [sur Loire], 23rd January [19]40, 1 p. in-4° with envelope

« I suffer to the point of tears and I pray very especially for you »

EUR 550,-
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JARRY, Alfred (1873-1907)

Autograph letter signed « Alfred Jarry » to Alfred Valette 
Laval, 31 janv[ier] [19]07, 4 pp. in-12°

« It’s strange how physical health is intimately linked to the health issue.… phynances »

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KAHLO, Frida (1907-1954)

Autograph statement signed « Frida Kahlo »
Mexico, 2nd August 1947, 1/2 p. in-4°, with autograph envelope

A few drawings for a friend…

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KEROUAC, Jack (1922-1969)

Typed letter signed twice « Jack » and « Jack Kerouac » to Granville H. Jones
[Northport, New York, 22 November 1960] 2 p. in-4°, with envelope

« It is the only thing too that has made me happy in three years, since the publication of On the Road and the subsequent sickeningness of ‘being famous’ »

EUR 25.000,-
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LACLOS (de), Pierre Choderlos (1741-1803)

Autograph letter signed « P. Choderlos Laclos » to Condorcet
Paris, 16th June 1793, 2e [an 2] de la République, 1 p 1/4 in-4°

« The long habit of being slandered »

EUR 15.000,-
Add to Selection

LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Letter signed « Lamartine » to M. Meyer
Paris, 21st May [1842], 1 p. small in-8°

« I have not received the comments on Montesquieu’s Persian letters of which you were kind enough to mention to me »

EUR 300,-
Add to Selection

LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Autograph (draft) letter signed « Lamartine » to Sainte-Beuve
Mâcon, [château de] St Point, 23 Nov[ember] 1836, 4 pp. in-4°

« I steal a few early hours from my nights for our sweet and strong youthful dreams »

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LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Autograph letter signed « Al. de Lamartine » to Stéphanie de Virieu
Paris, 14th April 1841, 3 p. 1/2 in-8° on laid paper

« Was he not also my brother, and more than many brothers? »

EUR 350,-
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LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Autograph letter signed « Lamartine » [to Jean-Marie Dargaud]
[Castle of] Monceau, 25 [August 1850], 4 p. in-8°

« I know very well that the inconveniences of temper disappear after death, and that only the memory of loyal virtues and attachment remains »

EUR 400,-
Add to Selection

LAURENCIN, Marie (1883-1956)

Autograph letter signed « Marie Laurencin » to Roger Nimier
St-Benoît-sur-Loire, 30th August [1952], 3 p. 1/2 in-12° with an original drawing

« The little bit of library – Mauriac – Proust – Gide – Bernanos etc. »

EUR 900,-
Add to Selection

LAURENCIN, Marie (1883-1956)

Lettre autographe signée « Marie Laurencin » à Roger Nimier
[Paris, 20 mars 1952], 4 p. in-12°

« Judges have scared me since the story of Guillaume Apollinaire »

EUR 450,-
Add to Selection

LE CORBUSIER, Charles-Edouard Jeanneret dit (1887-1965)

Typed letter signed « Le Corbusier » to Charles Hary
Paris, 18th April 1854, 2 p. in-4°

« I thus conceived and produced the “POÈME de l’ANGLE DROIT”. Five years were devoted to this work, in which I wished to include an order of thoughts.. »

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LEVI, Primo (1919-1987)

Set of two letters signed « Primo Levi » to Roland Stragliati
Turin, 19th and 29th June 1980, 8 p. in-4°

« Come le ho scritto, sarebbe piuttosto una clef de serrage »

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LISZT, Franz (1811-1886)

Original photograph by Julien Ganz
Period albumen print (1882), cabinet format

Striking and unpublished portrait of the musician

EUR 2.000,-
Add to Selection

LONDON, Jack (1876-1916)

Autograph letter to Charmian Kittredge
Aboard the S.S. Siberia, 13th January 1904, 4 p. in-8, in english

“What wild dreams I had! And you were in all of them”

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MALIBRAN, Maria (1808-1836)

Autograph letter signed « Maria » to Louis Viardot
[Brussels, 18th March 1832], 1 p. 1/4 in-4°

« I have to cut short with my feelings »

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MALLARMÉ, Stéphane (1842-1898)

Autograph card signed « PAPA » to his daughter Geneviève Mallarmé
[Valvins, 12th July 1891], 1 p. in-8°

« The little cookies… »

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MALRAUX, André (1901-1976)

Autograph letter signed « André Malraux » to a critic
Np, 30th [1933], 1 page in-8

“I understand, of course, the mistrust that a book about China can inspire”

EUR 1.900,-
Add to Selection

MALRAUX, André (1901-1976)

Autograph letter signed « And. Malraux » to Ventura García Calderón
Marrakech, 21st April [1952], 2 pages in-8, l’Hôtel de la Mamounia à Marrakech letterhead

“I have long thought that in literature any personal attack is futile”

EUR 950,-
Add to Selection

MASSENET, Jules (1842-1912)

Autograph letter signed « JM » to Constance de Gressy
Brussels, 24 Nov[ember] [18]81, 3 pp. in-8°

« I have never written a more solid work – not a lapse in the effects – it comes out the way I wanted – I am even stunned! »

EUR 400,-
Add to Selection

MASSENET, Jules (1842-1912)

Autograph letter signed « J. Massenet » to a friend
Paris, 18th June [18]79, 1 p. in-8°

« I’m expected in London and I’ll be back in Paris next Friday 27th for the composition competition»

EUR 150,-
Add to Selection

MASSENET, Jules (1842-1912)

Autograph letter signed « J Masse » to Constance de Gressy
Brussels, “Friday 5 pm” [25th November 1881], 3 p. in-8°

« I put so much care into the orchestration – I worked on it so much! »

EUR 450,-
Add to Selection

MAUPASSANT (de), Guy (1850-1893)

Autograph letter signed « Guy » to Lucie Le Poittevin
[Antibes or Cannes, late 1886 or early 1887], 2 p. small in-8°

« I sail a lot,  fencing with rage, I walk, so I do all the exercises, except… affection. But I don’t need it »

EUR 2.500,-
Add to Selection

MAUPASSANT (de), Laure (1821-1903)

Autographe card signed « Laure de Maupassant » [to Robert Pinchon]
[Nice, c. 1890 – 1891], 2 pp. in-24°

« It was a happy time, when comedy was played in the house of Etretat… »

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MAUPASSANT (de), Laure (1821-1903)

Autograph letter signed « L. de Maupassant » to a dear friend
Aix-les-Bains, 13 Sep[tember] 1890, 4 pp. in-8° on mourning paper

« I found my son quite happy with the result of the thermal waters of Plombières »

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MAURIAC, François (1885-1970)

Autograph letter signed « François Mauriac » to Jacques Boulanger
[Paris] 89 rue de la Pompe, 31 Oct[ober] 1920, 1 p. in-12°

« Friends are telling me today about a very kind review you gave of my novel »

EUR 350,-
Add to Selection

MAURIAC, François (1885-1970)

Autograph letter signed « Fr » to priest Jacques Laval
7 February [1938 ?], 4 p. grand in-8°

« My tragedy is to have loved above all sincerity and to have ended up with the lie of my life »

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MAURIAC, François (1885-1970)

Autograph letter signed « M » to André Malraux
[Paris, 6th February 1928], 1 p. petit in-8°

« Grasset doesn’t like your novel, and Paulhan admires it very much »

EUR 600,-
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MAURRAS, Charles (1868-1952)

Autograph letter signed « Charles Maurras » to Louis-Xavier de Ricard
S.l, 31st December [1892], 15 p. in-8°, bespoke binding by Michel Kieffer

« I confess that I am anti-Jewish without being anti-Semitic »

EUR 200,-
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MERMOZ, Jean (1901-1936)

Autograph poem
S.l.n.d, 1 p. in-4°

« I was slowly following the path of My Life / Far from the World lost and drowned in Envy »

EUR 3.900,-
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MEYER, Conrad Ferdinand (1825-1898)

Autograph poem signed on the verso of a period albumen print
N.p, 18th Nov[ember] 1895, (12,3 x 17 cm)

« Bei der Abendsonne Wandern / Wann ein Dorf den Strahl verlor »

EUR 4.500,-
Add to Selection

MIRÓ, Joan (1893-1983)

Autograph letter signed « Joan » to Maria [San Lazzaro]
Folgarolas 9, Barcelona, 23rd December 1955, 1 p. in-4°

« I was awfully busy preparing my next exhibition »

EUR 1.500,-
Add to Selection

MISTRAL, Frédéric (1830-1914)

Autograph letter signed « F. Mistral » [à Thérèse Boissière, (née Roumanille) ?]
Maillane, 4th June 1901, 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

« I asked the félibre Bacquié-Fonade if by chance he would know where your father had published his Carmagnole »

EUR 400,-
Add to Selection

MODIGLIANI, Amedeo (1884-1920)

Autograph letter signed « Modigliani » to art dealer Léopold Zborowski
[Nice, New year’s eve 31th December 1918], 2 pp. in-8°

« I sold all the paintings. Send the money quickly. Champagne flows »

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NADAR JEUNE, Adrien Tournachon (1825-1903)

Autograph letter signed “Adrien” to Alcide-Joseph Lorentz
[Paris], 6 January 1858, 1 p. in-8 à with embossed letterhead

“I have urgent matter to deal with…”

EUR 450,-
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NADAR, Félix Tournachon, dit (1820-1910)

Autograph letter signed « Nadar » to Ernest Vaughan from journal L’Aurore
Marseille, 26 8bre [October] [18]99, 2 page in-12

« And then I no longer see Clemenceau in my Aurore »

EUR 450,-
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NADAR, Félix Tournachon, dit (1820-1910)

Autograph letter signed on letter-head “Nadar” to Mayor of 8th arrondissement of Paris
Paris, 17 January 1883, 1/2 p. in-8

“Mr. Nadar has the honour to present his respects…”

EUR 300,-
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NERVAL (de), Gérard (1808-1855)

Autograph letter signed « Gérard de Nerval » to actor Pierre Bocage
[Paris], « ce mardi » [19 October 1852], 1 p. in-8°

« It seems to me that the cause is not lost »

EUR 2.900,-
Add to Selection

OFFENBACH, Jacques (1819-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Jacques Offenbach » to Hortense Schneider
S.l.n.d, « Sunday », 1 p. in-16°

« So tomorrow at 6 h 1/2 Café Riche »

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PAGNOL, Marcel (1895-1974)

First draft poetic autograph notes
N.p.n.d, 3 p. in-4° on school paper

« La robe infâme / Fit naître ton émoi / Ainsi ton âme / Ne fut jamais à moi »

EUR 450,-
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PAGNOL, Marcel (1895-1974)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel » to Maurice [Escande]
Paris, 6th June 1967, 1 p. in-4°

« I often can’t animate myself! »

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PERET, Benjamin (1899-1959)

Autograph letter signed « Benjamin Peret » to René Alleau
Paris, 12th February 1958, 1 p. in-4

These failures are inherent to my condition as an independent and revolted intellectual….”

EUR 1.200,-
Add to Selection

PIAF, Édith (1915-1963)

Autograph letter signed « Pupuce » to Yves Montand
Metz, 5th April 1946, 2 pp. in-4° on the Hôtel de Metz’s letterhead

« When I get on stage, people are screaming and I haven’t sung yet, you can see that my reputation goes a long way… »

EUR 2.300,-
Add to Selection

PIAF, Édith (1915-1963)

Autograph letter signed « Eydith » to Yves Montand
« Nevers, 16th May 1945 at noon and twenty three minutes », 2 p. 1/2 in-8°

« I love you to death »

EUR 3.800,-
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PIAF, Édith (1915-1963)

Autograph document signed « Édit Piaf »
[Paris], 23rd May 1956, 1 p. in-8°

Professional qualification : « SINGER »

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PIAF, Édith (1915-1963)

Contract signed « Édit Piaf » and « Bruno Coquatrix »
Paris, 29th February 1956, 1 p. 1/2 in-4°

« Mrs. EDITH PIAF will do the entire second part of the show »

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PIAF, Édith (1915-1963)

Autograph letter signed « Édit Piaf » to a friend
Paris, 6th June 1946, 1/2 p. in-4° on her letterhead

« I wish you in life to be as happy as I am right now, even with a man who doesn’t love me! »

EUR 2.000,-
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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, « le 24.[0]6.[19]59 », 1 p. in-8° in oil pastel

« You just left this morning and already I’m bothering you again »

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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, « 13.[0]5.[19]59 », 1 p. in-4°

« A thousand greetings from both of us for both of you»

EUR 3.900,-
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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Votre Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, « the 27.[0]4.[19]59 », 1 p. in-4°

« I’ll write to you later or tomorrow at greater length »

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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, “14.[0]4.[19]61”, 1 p. 1/4 in-4°

« We have been here since yesterday and will be staying for a few days »

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PISSARRO, Camille (1830-1903)

Autograph letter signed « C. Pissarro » to Théo Van Rysselberghe
[Bruges, Hôtel du] Singe d’Or, 3rd July [18]94, 2 p. in-8°

« I still have in my ear the sound of the waves and the color of the sea in my eye, you must have had beautiful effects last night »

EUR 2.500,-
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PISSARRO, Camille (1830-1903)

Autograph letter signed « C. Pissarro » to Noël Clément-Janin
Paris, 19th Feb[ruary] 1892, 1 p. 1/2 in-8°, with envelope

« Turner, Delacroix, Corot, Courbet, Daumier, Jongkind, Manet, Degas, Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Guillaumin, Sisley, Seurat ! This is our march. »

EUR 9.000,-
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POTOCKI, Jean (1761-1815)

Autograph letter signed « Jean Potocki » to Firmin Didot
Tulczyn, 1st December [1810], 1 1/4 p. in-4°

« I realize every day that it is difficult to see clearly in science when you are so far from the home of the enlightenment »

EUR 26.000,-
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POULENC, Francis (1899-1963)

Autograph letter signed « Francis Poulenc » to Frederick Woods
[Saint-Raphaël], 3rd April 1960, 1 p. in-12°

« Excuse me, but I don’t have the time or the inclination to talk about the Bal Masqué »

EUR 400,-
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POULENC, Francis (1899-1963)

Autograph letter signed « Francis Poulenc » to [Philippe] Parès
Cannes [1928 ?], 1 p. 1/2 in-4° on light blue paper

« Will I have the joy of hearing the trio’s trials already? You know that nothing in the world amuses me more »

EUR 1.500,-
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PRÉVERT, Jacques (1900-1977)

Autograph letter signed « Jacques » to Claudy Carter
S.l.n.d [Paris, c. 1947], 4 pp. grand in-4°

« I didn’t want you to think I was forgetting you »

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PRÉVERT, Jacques (1900-1977)

Autograph poem : Chant funèbre d’un représentant
[Saint-Paul-de-Vence, 14th April 1953], 4 p. in-plano (25 x 43,7 cm)

« I was sick of death / and without even dying / like others seasick / without being able to vomit it »

EUR 6.800,-
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PRINCE IMPÉRIAL, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1856-1879)

Letter signed « Louis-Napoléon » to a gentleman
[Camden Place] Chrislehurst, 22nd March 1872, 1 p. small in-8°

« My only ambition is to be able, with God’s help, to justify the hopes of the young French people of my generation who have not forgotten me »

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PROUST, Jeanne WEIL (1849-1905)

[5th December 1904], original period film print. Round photography (159 mm diameter), mounted on thick paper frame in the photographer’s name.

One of the last portraits of Jeanne Weil Proust, less than a year before her death

EUR 3.500,-
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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Original drawing, inscribed to Reynaldo Hahn : « R.H. (Bininuls) »
N.p.n.d [c. 1909 ?], 1 p. in-8° in black ink on laid paper

Precious drawing by the writer, dedicated to his « Bininuls »

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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel Proust » to Marie Scheikévitch
N.p, 17th April 1917, 4 pp. large in-8°

« I came back with nostalgia for Lost Time… »

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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel Proust » to Marie Scheikévitch
[Paris], 16th April 1918, 1 p. in-8°

« I will arrange to see you very soon »

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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel » to Reynaldo Hahn
N.p.n.d « Monday » [7th January 1907], 8 p. in-8° on mourning paper

« If you write to Montesquiou, tell him that the truth is out of his dilemma, in full improbability for those who do not know my life… »

EUR 7.500,-
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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel Proust » to Robert de Montesquiou
[Paris], « 9 Bd Malesherbes » [27th May 1895], 1 p. in-12° on ‘petit bleu’

« Tomorrow some of my worst verses will be heard »

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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel Proust » to Marie Scheikévitch
[Paris], 1st February 1915 (post mark), 4 p. in-8° in black in on laid paper

« In the meantime, I can’t stop thinking about you… »

EUR 6.500,-
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PROUST, Marcel (1871-1922)

Autograph letter signed « Marcel Proust » to Marie Scheikévitch
[Paris, 21st November 1918], 4 p. in-8°

« The human condition is so treacherously wicked… »

EUR 4.800,-
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PSICHARI, Ernest (1883-1914)

Autograph letter signed « Ernest Psichari » to Maurice Reclus
Paris, 11th June 1902, 8 p. in-folio

« My only intention was, I swear, to couple words adrift, with harmony and rarity, as much as possible »

EUR 2.900,-
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PUCCINI, Giacomo (1858-1924)

Autograph postcard signed « Giacomo Puccini »
Torre del Lago, ag° [August] [1]902, 2 p. in-12°

« La Bohême »

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PUCCINI, Giacomo (1858-1924)

Autograph document signed « Giacomo Puccini »
Paris, 9th June 1910, 1 p. in-folio (32 x 20 cm)

Spectacular large-format inscription for his opera The Girl of the golden West

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RAVEL, Maurice (1875-1937)

Autograph letter signed « Maurice Ravel » to Maurice Emmanuel
[Montfort-l’Amaury], « 14/10/[19]22 », 4 p. in-8°

« An upward progression of sound »

EUR 4.200,-
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RENARD, Jules (1864-1910)

Autograph-card letter signed « Jules Renard » [to Georges Moreau]
[Paris], 14th June 1895, 1 p. 1/2 in-12°

« The unpublished chapter of Poil de Carotte… »

EUR 450,-
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RENARD, Jules (1864-1910)

Autograph letter signed « Jules Renard » à Georges Moreau
[Paris], 22nd May 1896, 1 p. in-8° on laid paper

« Would it be nice for you to reproduce… the two drawings form the cover of Vallotton? »

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RENOIR, Pierre-Auguste (1841-1919)

Autograph letter signed “Renoir” to Paul Bérard
Naples, Saturday 26th [November 1881], 3 pages in-12

“I have tried it all, painting with gasoline, wax, siccative…”

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RIMBAUD, Arthur (1854-1891)

Autograph manuscript signed twice « Rimbaud », to Armand Savouré
Harar, 30 March 1890, 1/2 p. in-4°

Unpublished receipt from Harar intended to Armand Savouré, the last before Rimbaud ceased all activity with him

EUR 45.000,-
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RIMBAUD, Arthur (1854-1891)

Autograph letter signed « Rimbaud » to his family
Aden, 10th September 1884, 4 pp. in-8° on laid paper

« And since every man is a slave in this miserable fatality »

EUR 185.000,-
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ROLLAND, Romain (1866-1944)

Autograph manuscript signed « Romain Rolland »
N.p, April 1928, 1 p. in-4°

« Too many abuses, old and new, have an interest in hindering the awakening of the Soul »

EUR 1.200,-
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ROPS, Félicien (1833-1898)

Autograph letter signed « Fély » to Octave Uzanne
[Paris, c. 1890], 1 p. in-12

« Since this morning, I have met three Jews with otter necks whom my grandfather had had beaten fifty years ago »

EUR 1.800,-
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ROPS, Félicien (1833-1898)

Autograph letter signed « Félicien Rops » to a gentleman
Paris, 28th May [1891 ?], 3 p. in-8°

« All of them: Sculptors, poets, musicians, painters, apart from a score of ‘brain-seeing’ people are a band of Monkeys and lemurs who should be taken away gently… and shot »

EUR 2.000,-
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SADE, Donatien-Alphonse-François, Marquis de (1740-1814)

Autograph letter signed “de Sade” to his aunt Gabrielle-Eléonore de Sade
N.p, 22nd April [1790], 3 pp. in-8vo

My room was searched and I lost everything… precious works, the fruit of fifteen years’ work, I have saved nothing… and all this through the fault of those wretched rascals whom I hope God will one day avenge me”

EUR 14.000,-
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SAGAN, Françoise (1935-2004)

Autograph letter signed « Françoise Sagan » to « Henri »
Paris, 167 blvd Malesherbes [c. 1950s], 3 pp. in-4°

« I’ll be happy to fail with you »

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SAINT-SAENS, Camille (1835-1921)

Autograph letter signed « C. Saint S » [to Louis Gallet]
S.l, 5 February, 2 p. in-4°

« This piece did not amuse me to do »

EUR 1.600,-
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SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles-Augustin (1804-1869)

Autograph letter signed « Ste Beuve » to Adèle Foucher
Besançon, 14 October 1829, 3 p. in-4°

« In truth, madame, what a foolish idea I had to leave your hospitable home without purpose, the fruitful and encouraging words of Victor… »

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SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter to Emmanuel Arago
[Nohant, 3rd January 1836], 3 p. in-4°

« Should we be angry against humanity? I used up all my indignation when I was younger. Nothing surprises me anymore, neither the bad nor the good »

EUR 1.900,-
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SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter signed « George Sand » to Cora Chamberlaine
Nohant, 5th May [18]70, 6 pp. in-8°

« I think I said in the Story of my life that perhaps one should speak of oneself once in one’s life, in order not to think about it again and not to return to it »

EUR 1.600,-
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SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter signed “GSand” [to Paul Porel]
Nohant, May 28 [18]76, 1 page in-8 in black ink

« I still hope to go to Paris before the Odéon closes »

EUR 1.500,-
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SAND, George (1804-1876)

Autograph manuscript signed « G Sand » for her novel Consuelo [fragments]
[Nohant and Paris, between late 1842 and early 1843] 27 p. in-8°

« End of Consuelo »

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SARTRE, Jean-Paul (1905-1980)

Autograph preparatory manuscript for Les Mots
N.p.n.d [c. 1953-1955], 1 p. in-4°

« I became someone, an Other »

EUR 3.900,-
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SARTRE, Jean-Paul (1905-1980)

Autograph manuscript for « Les Communistes et la paix »
N.p, [c. late 1953 – March 1954], 6 p. in-4°

« It is misery that drives the peasant to the city factories. And this misery is provoked »

EUR 1.600,-
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SARTRE, Jean-Paul (1905-1980)

Two autograph manuscripts for « L’Engagement de Mallarmé »
N.p, [1952], 2 p. in-4° in blue ink on graph paper

« Creature or creator, there is no other choice »

EUR 1.400,-
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SARTRE, Jean-Paul (1905-1980)

Autograph manuscript for Le Diable et le Bon Dieu
N.p.n.d [c. 1950], 2 p. in-4° in blue ink

« It’s a hard scream in there… »

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SEMPÉ, Jean-Jacques (1932-2022)

Autograph letter signed « Sempé » to Gérard Leman
Paris, 15th January [19]68, 1 p. in-4° with autograph envelope

« I work so slowly… »

EUR 1.500,-
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SIGNAC, Paul (1863-1935)

Autograph letter signed « P.S. » to Henry van de Velde
N.p.n.d (c. 1911-1912), 1 p. 1/2 in -8°

« Since the death of my dear mother, I have deferred to those who, like her, never do me so much good »

EUR 850,-
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STAËL (de), Germaine (1766-1817)

Autograph letter to Claire de Duras
N.p.n.d, “Sunday” [after 1815], 1 p. in-12°

« Will you go this evening to visit Mde de la Châtre ? »

EUR 500,-
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STENDHAL, Henri Beyle, dit (1783-1842)

Autograph letter signed « Dubois » to his sister Pauline Périer-Lagrange
[Brunswick], « 29 8bre [October] 1808 » 5 p. in-4°

« I liked music as an expression of love. It seems to me that none of the women I’ve had have given me such a sweet moment… »

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STENDHAL, Henri Beyle, dit (1783-1842)

Autograph letter to his sister, Pauline Périer-Lagrange
N.p, « Sunday », [13rd May 1810], 3 p. 1/4 in-4°

« My days here are filled by a woman, whom I am not in love with, but whom I constantly think about »

EUR 6.000,-
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STEVENSON, Robert Louis (1850-1894)

Autograph letter signed « Robert Louis Stevenson » to Hubert Smith-Stainer
Edinburgh, [Pitlochry, 6th June 1881], 3 pp. in-8°

« Two or three nights under the stars… »

EUR 5.500,-
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Autograph poem signed « Sully Prudhomme »
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-8° on laid paper

« Here below, all men weep / Their friendships or their loves / I dream of the kisses that remain / Always… »

EUR 950,-
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SUPERVIELLE, Jules (1884-1960)

Period photographic print, signed twice
N.p, 22 Dec[ember] 1952, 23,5 x 17,3 cm

Nice and large autographed print of the writer

EUR 650,-
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TCHAÏKOVSKI, Piotr Ilitch (1840-1893)

Original photography by Alfred Lorens, S. Petersbourg
Period albumen print (1874). Name card format

Superb portrait of the Russian composer

EUR 2.500,-
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TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (de), Henri (1864-1901)

Autograph letter signed « Your boy H » to his mother Adèle Zoë Tapié de Céleyran
[Villiers-sur-Morin, fall 1886], 4 p. in-12

« I fly from ladder to ladder »

EUR 4.800,-
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VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter signed « P.V » [à Maurice Noël]
N.p.n.d, « Saturday », 1 p. in-8°

« If Le Figaro finds it too abstract, send it back to me »

EUR 200,-
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VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter signed « Comte Alexandre-Marie de Maleperche » to Noémi Révelin
Cannes [1927 ?], 1 p. in-12°

« I am a poet—very modest indeed, and quite provincial! »

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VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter signed « Paul Valéry » to Maurice Noël
N.p.n.d « Wednesday » [6th May 1942 ?], 2 p. in-8°

« I chatted with Gide (in Marseilles) who gave me full powers, before embarking for Tunis »

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VALLÈS, Jules (1832-1885)

Autograph letter signed « J.V. » to Aurélien Scholl
[Londres], 29 8bre [October] [18]77, 6 pp. in-8°

 « I am thinking of letting my political hopes lie dormant, and returning to my profession »

EUR 1.900,-
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VERDI, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Autograph letter signed « GVerdi » to M. Sauchon
Montecatini, 7th July 1891, 1 p. in-8°

« I will go to Genoa towards the end of this month »

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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph poem signed « Paul Verlaine »
London, 1873, 1 p. in-8°, on laid paper

« O le feu du ciel sur cette ville de la Bible ! »

EUR 18.000,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed « P. Verlaine » to Armand Gouzien
Paris-Montmartre, [September-October 1871], 2 p. in-8°

« My wife, who is pregnant, was horribly unwell last night and I was on my feet and on my teeth »

EUR 2.900,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Original photograph of Paul Verlaine by Otto Wegener
[Paris, 1893], cabinet format (10,8 x 16,8 cm)

Famous portrait of the poet in preparation for his candidacy for the Académie Française

EUR 2.200,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed « P Verlaine » to Jules Rais
[Paris] 39 rue Descartes, 2 January [18]96, 1 p. in-12° on laid paper

« I’m writing to you so little and so badly »

EUR 2.000,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Original photograph of Paul Verlaine by Paul Marsan, known as Dornac
[Paris, 28 May 1892], 135 x 180 mm

Timeless portrait of Verlaine, sitting on a bench at café François 1er, in front of a large glass of absinthe

EUR 3.500,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph post-card signed « Votre P. Verlaine » to Jules Rais
[Paris, 16, rue Saint-Victor], 15th March 1895, 1 p. in-8°

« I’m bedridden and can’t move from the bed »

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VIGNY (de), Alfred (1797-1863)

Autograph poem signed « Alfred »
N.p.n.d, 1 p. in-folio

Nice autograph poem signed from his early years

EUR 1.200,-
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VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet, dit (1694-1778)

Autograph letter signed « de Voltaire » to George-Conrad Walther
Château de Lunéville, 6th April 1748, 3 p. in-8°

« Forgive a man who is a friend of peace this warmth he puts into preserving it, and this fear he has of seeing his work destroyed »

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ZOLA, Alexandrine (1839-1925)

Autograph letter signed « Alexandrine Zola » to Gabriel Thyébaut
[Paris], 7 8bre [octobre] 1906, 8 pp. in-8° à l’encre violette sur papier de deuil

« I always think I die at every step, when I go up to this study in which life has also gone »

EUR 1.500,-
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ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph letter signed « Emile Zola » to Fernand Desmoulin
Médan, 8th August 1895, 2 pp. in-8°

« I ended up despising the weather, going out in the downpours, which means that I come back soaked, covered in mud »

EUR 1.200,-
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ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph letter signed « Emile Zola » to Joseph Canqueteau
Paris, 10th March 1885, 2 p. in-8°

« The first idea of “Germinal” is already very far away… »

EUR 4.800,-
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ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Two autograph letters signed « Emile Zola » to Philippe Gille
Paris, 13th April 1878 and Médan, 9th August 1878, in total 3 p. in-8°

« I would be very grateful, at this moment, if you could find a way to tell your readers, in an echo, that the fiftieth edition of L’Assommoir is being printed by Charpentier »

EUR 1.800,-
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ZOLA, Emile (1840-1902)

Corrected proofs for his novel The Beast within
Paris, January 1890, 45 proofs printed on recto

« I love you, I will never let anyone hurt you… See, how good it is to be so, one in another ! »

EUR 50.000,-
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ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph letter signed « Emile Zola » to a colleague
Paris, 12th November [18]93, 1 p. 1/2 in-8°

“When I have finished a book and given it to the public, it no longer exists for me. All my passion collapses”

EUR 5.500,-
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ZOLA, Émile (1840-1902)

Autograph letter signed « Emile Zola » [to Albert Lacroix]
Paris, 13 Sept[ember] 1867, 2 pp. in-8°

« I’m counting on a horror success »

EUR 5.500,-
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