NADAR, Félix Tournachon, dit (1820-1910)
Autograph card signed « Nadar » to [Henri ?] Cazalis
Draveil, 12 January [18]93, 1 p. small in-8°
« My poor afflicted one and I send our warmest regards with our best wishes.… »
EUR 350,-
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NADAR, Félix Tournachon, dit (1820-1910)
Autograph card signed « Nadar » to [Henri ?] Cazalis
Draveil, 12 January [18]93, 1 p. small in-8°
Old mark of tape on backside, otherwise fine condition throughout
Affectionate card from the photographer to his friend Cazalis
« Ma pauvre affligée et moi, nous envoyons tout notre plus cordial souvenir avec nos meilleurs souhaits à l’ami Cazalis, à sa très charmante femme et à tout ce qu’ils aiment.
Mais quand jamais se reverra ton ?
– Et pourtant, quelle bonne joie !… »
At the height of his career but ruined by the Commune for several years, Nadar moved into a building in the former hermitage in the Sénart forest in 1887. He converted it by extending it on two sides and adding a floor. In addition to caring for his hemiplegic wife, he set up a studio there and welcomed friends. Julia Daudet, wife of Alphonse Daudet, who was then staying in Champrosay, a hamlet in the commune of Draveil, mentioned the Hermitage in several of her novels. She described it as a “strange and pleasant house, cut into nooks and crannies, windows and doors in a devil’s fashion, small lean-tos”. Nadar sold the manor in 1894 and left to set up a photographic studio in the South.