ARTAUD, Antonin (1896-1948)

Autograph letter signed « Antonin Artaud » to his sister Marie-Ange Malausséna
Espalion, 7th April 1946, 2 pages in-8

« You would do me a great service by sending me 4 or 5 tubes »

EUR 2.000,-
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ARTAUD, Antonin (1896-1948)

Autograph letter signed « Antonin Artaud » to his sister Marie-Ange Malausséna
Espalion, 7th April 1946, 2 pages in-8
Tear repared with tape and some ink stains (by Antonin Artaud himself), fold mark, slightly crumpled

Plagued by drug addiction, Artaud asks his sister Marie-Ange for medication

« Ma chère Marie-Ange excusez ce papier mais aujourd’hui c’est dimanche et tous les magasins sont fermés.
Je me suis trompé au sujet des comprimés que je vous ai demandés. Ce ne sont pas des comprimés Famel mais des comprimés Codoforme de Bottu. J’en avais trouvé ici un tube et cela m’avait admirablement calmé un point dans le dos. 
Mais il n’y en a plus.
Vous me rendriez un grand service en m’en envoyant 4 ou 5 tubes. Si les pharmacies n’en ont pas vous en trouverez chez le fabricant
Codoforme de Bottu
114, 117 rue notre dame des champs.
Pardon de ce dérangement et merci à vous »

Antonin Artaud arrived in Rodez in 1943 under the supervision of Dr. Ferdière, chief medical officer of the Parraire psychiatric hospital, then known as the departmental asylum for the insane. Borrowing from delusions and hallucinations, Artaud was interned there for several years and will continue to suffer electroshocks despite his many refusals. Under the constant influence of drugs and, when he did not have access to them, high-dose medication, he would not cease to ask his sister and brother-in-law George to obtain them.

This letter was written one month before his return to Paris. Indeed, after many pleas from the poet, Martha Robert and Arthur Adamov, very impressed by the environment of Artaud in this asylum, considered it was necessary and urgent that he return to the capital. This finally happened after many negotiations with the hospital.

Two days later, on April 9, he wrote to his sister apologizing for the “torn and stained paper” of the above letter, explaining that he needed his medication in a hurry.

Codoform Bottu (codeine, bromenamine, terpine, sodium benzoate) is a cough suppressant derived from morphine. The codeine it contains potentiates the effects of psychotropic drugs. This drug, at the time over-the-counter, causes sleep, and in some cases a loss of consciousness if ingested in high doses.

Œuvres complètes – Lettres écrites de Rodez, t. XI, Gallimard, p. 231