INGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867)
Autograph letter signed “Ingres” to M. Beroggi
N.d.n.p, Saturday, 1 p. in-12
“Our modest dinner next Monday, with too unworthy accompaniment of a Haydn Sonata”
Fact sheet
INGRES, Jean-Auguste-Dominique (1780-1867)
Autograph letter signed “Ingres” to M. Beroggi
N.d.n.p, Saturday, 1 p. in-12
Previously mounted, mark on verso
Ingres’ invitation to a modest dinner with accompaniment too unworthy of a Haydn Sonata
« Cher Monsieur Beroggi,
Il y a si longtemps, seriez-vous donc assez bon, vous et votre chère Mdame de me faire l’amitié de venir manger [à] notre modeste diner lundi prochain, avec accompagnement trop indigne d’une Sonate d’Haydn. Oui.
Tout à vous de cœur
Ingres »
Pupil of Jacques-Louis David, Ingres won the Prix de Rome in 1801 at only 21 years of age. After a long stay in Italy, he returned to Paris experienced official recognition, appearing as the champion of the doctrine of beauty and the primacy of drawing over color, in successive opposition to romantic and realistic currents. Appointed director of the Académie de France in Rome, he returned there from 1835 to 1842.