LAMENNAIS, Félicité de (1782-1854)
Lettre autographe signée “F. de Lamennais” à M. Lasneau
Paris, 20 juin 1825, 1 page in-8
“Two copies of my Imitation”
Fact sheet
LAMENNAIS, Félicité de (1782-1854)
Lettre autographe signée “F. de Lamennais” à M. Lasneau
Paris, 20 juin 1825, 1 page in-8
Period notes on back side, from another hand
Lamennais requires a shipment for his latest book, translation of The Imitation of Jesus Christ
“Je prie Monsieur Lasneau de remettre à Mr Charles un exemplaire de ma dernière brochure et deux exemplaires de mon Imitation.
Paris, le 20 juin 1825
F. de Lamennais
À la librairie classique”
Félicité de Lamennais is a French priest, writer, philosopher and politician. Elected to the Constituent Assembly in 1848, he died in 1854 while still in conflict with the Church and, according to his wishes, was buried civilly.
He is with Corneille one of those who translated the anonymous work The Imitation of Jesus Christ.