FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)
Autograph letter signed « Gve Flaubert » to Pauline Sandeau
[Paris], Wednesday, 3 h [20th March 1867], 1 p. in-8° on laid paper
« I have an appointment with a police commissioner, for literary information »
Fact sheet
FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)
Autograph letter signed « Gve Flaubert » to Pauline Sandeau
[Paris], Wednesday, 3 h [20th March 1867], 1 p. in-8° on laid paper
Slight tear on lower fold mark with tape repair
The truculent Flaubert gives an appointment to his “dear” Pauline Sandeau
« Ah ! Sapristi ! comme il est difficile de se rencontrer, ma chère amie.
Nous qui vous attentions aujourd’hui, nous en sommes tout « marrys ! »
Je ne serai pas par chez moi vendredi dans l’après-midi, parce que j’ai un rendez-vous avec un commissaire de police, p[ou]r des renseignements littéraires. Mais j’y serai tout l’après-midi de samedi et en venant à 4 heures vous trouverez ma nièce [Caroline Commanville] qui rentrera p[ou]r vous recevoir.
Mille tendresses de votre vieux fidèle
Gve Flaubert »
Flaubert was very close to the Sandeau couple, with whom he maintained a rich correspondence, both literary and friendly, until his death in 1880.
This letter may be dated 20 March, for Flaubert wrote to his niece Caroline, in her letter of 13 March, that he was expecting her the following week; she left Paris before Thursday [March 28, 1867], according to a letter from Flaubert to her addressed that day.
Caroline Commanville, the niece of Flaubert, his “dear Caro”, is the daughter of the writer’s sister, who died a few days after giving birth to her, and abandoned almost immediately by her father. She was raised by her grandmother and uncle. Married at 17 to a wealthy merchant from Dieppe, Ernest Commanville, she always remained for Gustave Flaubert the daughter he had never had.
Although published several times, the actual autograph of this letter has nevertheless remained unpublished among academics. There are indeed some slight variations of semantic order with regard to its last publication, in the Pléiade.
Gustave Flaubert – Correspondance, éd. Jean Bruneau, Pléiade, t. III, p. 618
Lettre publiée par André Doderet, Revue de Paris, 15 juillet 1919, p. 459
Œuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert – Correspondance, éd. Louis Conard, t. 5, p. 301, à la date de [mai 1867]
Alidor Delzant