ROSTAND, Edmond (1868-1918)

Name card with autograph additions, signed “Edmond Rostand
[S.l.n.d], 1 p. in-24 in black ink

“Please provide four good seats for les Nouveaux Riches

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ROSTAND, Edmond (1868-1918)

Name card with autograph additions, signed “Edmond Rostand
[S.l.n.d], 1 p. in-24 in black ink
Small brown stains, blue pencil typographical annotation on the back

Rostand makes a request for 4 seats for a performance at the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre

“Prière de donner quatre bonnes places pour les Nouveaux Riches
Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt
Edmond Rostand”

Edmond Rostand is a French writer, playwright, poet and essayist. He is the author of one of the best known plays in French theatre, Cyrano de Bergerac.
The play he wished to attend, The New Rich, was written by Charles Albert Abadie (1880-1937) and Raymond Cesse (1885-1971). Its first performance took place in 1917 (certainly the year in which this little name card billet dates from).
The Sarah Bernhardt Theatre located 2, Place du Châtelet, is now better known as the Théâtre de la Ville. Since the early 1980s, it has become a major place for the promotion and international recognition of contemporary dance and its young creators.