VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter signed « Comte Alexandre-Marie de Maleperche » to Noémi Révelin
Cannes [1927 ?], 1 p. in-12°

« I am a poet—very modest indeed, and quite provincial! »

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VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter signed « Comte Alexandre-Marie de Maleperche » to Noémi Révelin
Cannes [1927 ?], 1 p. in-12°
Autograph address, post marks

An intriguing letter to the woman who ran a salon that was popular with the whole of Paris during the interwar period, and signed with one of her many pseudonyms

« Madame,
Sans avoir le grand bonheur de vous connaître, je ne suis pas sans avoir ouï parler de vos vertus. Une personne distinguée et digne de foi m’a appris tout dernièrement que vous avez même eu l’attention de fleurir de muguet la colonne érigée à la Muse, à l’occasion du Premier de mai.
Quoique je sois éloigné de mériter ce doux témoignage, je suis poète – bien modeste à la vérité et tout provincial ! Mais enfin chacun a sa colonne voisine et l’aimerait voir fleurir par de si tendres mains.
Dans l’espoir de toucher (quelque peu du moins) votre bon cœur, j’ai l’honneur de me dire, Madame, votre véritablement respectueux et dévot :
Comte Alexandre-Marie de Maleperche etc.
Docteur en droit »

While it is undeniable that Paul Valéry and Noémi Révelin enjoyed a great friendship and social complicity, their relationship remained very ambiguous if we are to believe the notes that the poet may have addressed to him, and like this letter, which can be read in the form of metaphors that are ambiguous to say the least.
Valéry was in the habit of inventing pseudonyms with his acquaintances and intimates: for example, the variants of his correspondence with Julien-Pierre Monod, his “Minister of the Pen”, the “dear Anthrope with a human face”, etc. Here he calls himself “Doctor of Laws”, whereas it is usually “Licentiate in Law”.

We would like to thank Serge Bourjea for the information he kindly provided to us.