KRANTZ, Eugénie

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[VERLAINE] KRANTZ, Eugénie (18–/1897)

Autograph letter signed twice “Eugénie Krantz” to Edmond Lepelletier
Paris, 39 rue Descartes, 8th January 1896, 2 pp. in-12 oblong

Extraordinary first-hand and unpublished testimony on Verlaine’s last moments, the day of his death

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[VERLAINE] KRANTZ, Eugénie (18–/1897)

Autograph letter signed several times “Eugénie Krantz” to Edmond Lepelletier
Paris 29th January [1896], 4 p. in-12

Hospitalized a few days after Verlaine’s death and abandoned by all, Eugénie Krantz calls for desperate help

EUR 1.500,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph letter signed « P Verlaine » to Jules Rais
[Paris] 39 rue Descartes, 2 January [18]96, 1 p. in-12° on laid paper

« I’m writing to you so little and so badly »

EUR 2.000,-
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VERLAINE, Paul (1844-1896)

Autograph post-card signed « Votre P. Verlaine » to Jules Rais
[Paris, 16, rue Saint-Victor], 15th March 1895, 1 p. in-8°

« I’m bedridden and can’t move from the bed »

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