SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles-Augustin

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[BAUDELAIRE] FLAUBERT, Gustave (1821-1880)

Autograph letter signed « Gus Flaubert » to Jules Sandeau
Croisset, 26 January [1862], 2 p. in-8 on blue laid paper

« Yesterday I received a letter from Baudelaire inviting me to ask for your voice for his candidacy to the Academy »

EUR 6.500,-
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[MUSSET] SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles-Augustin (1804-1869)

Autograph letter signed « Ste Beuve » to Auguste Lacaussade
N.p.n.d, « this 21st July », 1 p. in-8° on creamy paper

« Musset should not be judged until after having reread Byron. Then one would have the true feeling of insults and distances »

EUR 400,-
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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

Autograph letter signed « C.B. » to his mother, Madame Aupick
[Brussels], « Monday 13th November 1865 », 4 p. in-8°

« I feel forgotten. I am sad. I’m no longer good for anything. I’m bored to death »

EUR 17.000,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo” to a critic
28 January [1870], H[auteville] H[ouse], [Guernesey], 1 p. in-4

“I dedicate, like Aeschylus, my works to time”

EUR 6.000,-
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LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Autograph (draft) letter signed « Lamartine » to Sainte-Beuve
Mâcon, [château de] St Point, 23 Nov[ember] 1836, 4 pp. in-4°

« I steal a few early hours from my nights for our sweet and strong youthful dreams »

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