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[JARRY] QUENEAU, Raymond (1903-1976)

Autograph letter signed “Queneau” [to Michel Arrivé]
S.l, 21 February 1968, 1/2 page in-8, NRF letterhead

“Michel Leiris will talk to Picasso about the issue that concerns you”


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APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume (1880-1918)

First draft manuscript for the poem “Le Voyageur”, from the poem collection Alcools
N.p.n.d [c. 1909-1910], 2 p. in-4to, black ink, multiple corrections

« Deux matelots qui ne s’étaient jamais quittés »

EUR 45.000,-
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ARTAUD, Antonin (1896-1948)

Autograph letter signed “Antonin Artaud” to his sister Marie-Ange Malausséna
Espalion, 11th April 1946, 4 pages in-8

“High-dose heroin does not cause addiction when it is of good quality”

EUR 4.500,-
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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, « 13.[0]5.[19]59 », 1 p. in-4°

« A thousand greetings from both of us for both of you»

EUR 3.900,-
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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, 24th June 1959, 1 p. in-8° in blue thick pencil

« You just left this morning and I’m already bothering you again »

EUR 4.900,-
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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Votre Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, « the 27.[0]4.[19]59 », 1 p. in-4°

« I’ll write to you later or tomorrow at greater length »

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PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)

Autograph letter signed « Picasso » to Max Pellequer
[Château de] Vauvenargues, “14.[0]4.[19]61”, 1 p. 1/4 in-4°

« We have been here since yesterday and will be staying for a few days »

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VALÉRY, Paul (1871-1945)

Autograph letter signed « Paul Valéry » to a friend
N.p [Paris], 27th August 1942, 2 pages in-8, Institut de France letterhead

“I am becoming, by the force of things – a literary man!”

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