HUGO, Victor

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[HUGO, Victor] Charles GALLOT (1838-1919)

Portrait of Victor Hugo, period albumen print on thick cardboard
[Paris, 12th April 1885], cabinet format

Rare original print of the last portrait of Victor Hugo alive, five weeks before his death

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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter signed « Juliette » to Victor Hugo
[Paris], 16th April [1847], 4 pp. in-8°

« I spend my life desiring you, regretting you and trembling »

EUR 1.900,-
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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter to Victor Hugo
Paris, 20th April [18]77, 4 pp. in-24°

« My opinion is to delight you in everything and always and to adore you on both knees »

EUR 2.300,-
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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter signed « Juliette » to Victor Hugo
N.p, 12 February [1849], 4 pp. in-8°

« I like the violent and expeditious genre »

EUR 3.800,-
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[HUGO] Juliette DROUET (1806-1883)

Autograph letter signed « Juliette » to Victor Hugo
N.d.n.p [Paris, 13 Janary 1851], 4 pages in-8 on double sheet

“Un très bon toto quoi qu’aimant beaucoup trop les jeunes cocottes…”

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[HUGO] QUINET, Alexandre (1836-1900)

Original photography of Victor Hugo by Alexandre Quinet
[Veules-les-Roses, c. 1882], 11,8 x 16,4 cm

Victor Hugo’s only period print at Veules-les-Roses, at his friend’s Paul Meurice

EUR 2.000,-
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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

Autograph letter signed « CB » to his mother, Madame Aupick
[Paris] 31st December 1863, 4 pp. in-8, additional post-scriptum attached

The only feeling I still feel like I’m living by is a vague desire for fame, revenge, and fortune”

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BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821-1867)

[Second notice on] Pierre Dupont – Corrected proof
[Paris] 6th June 1861 [stamped], 11 p. in-8vo bradel

“The public was so tired of Victor Hugo’s tireless faculties, his indestructible beauties”

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BOULEZ, Pierre (1925-2016)

Autograph card signed « PB » to André Dubois
[Cologne, 10 IX 1952], 1 p. in-8° on a postcard’s verso

« What shall I tell you about the journeys in this divine valley that Victor Hugo has not already said? »

EUR 300,-
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HUGO, François-Victor (1828-1873)

Autograph letter signed « François Victor Hugo » to a friend
N.p.n.d [c. 1865-1866] « 21st April », 1 p. in-4° on mourning paper

« We have a small floor available in the cottage we live in »

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HUGO, Georges (1868-1925)

A set of seventeen autograph letters signed, accompanied with an original drawing
Guernesey, Paris, Toulon and Lunel, between 1885 and 1917, 41 p. in various formats

« It was during one of those evenings, in the middle of a storm like this, that my grandfather had to write Gilliatt’s battles »

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1855)

Autograph letter to Alphonsine Masson
[Marine Terrace, Jersey], 5th August [1855], 4 pp. small in-12°

« And every night I look up there, I make signs of intelligence to the heavenly eyes of the night, and it seems to me that I see her »

EUR 10.000,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter to Delphine de Girardin
Marine Terrace [Jersey] 2nd May [1854], 4 pages small in-8

“I will not put myself behind a mask the day I put myself behind a barricade”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph poem signed « V.H. »
N.d.n.p, 1 page oblong in-4, brown ink
Bespoke framing

“The poet, inspired when the earth ignores…”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo” to Eugène Pelletan
Hauteville House, 19th May [1867], 1 page 1/2 in-8

“Hernani is a mountaineer, and so am I. He’s hated literarily, and me politically”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph manuscript (copeau)
N.p.n.d [Hauteville-House], 2 p. in-8°

« He comes, and we see the dawn through his pink fingers »

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor H” to Delphine de Girardin
S.l, Lundi [15th November 1847], 1 p. in-8

“We want to resurrect all Thursday at Cleopatra”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “VH” to Delphine de Girardin
N.p.n.d, this Friday, 1 page small in-8

“I admire you and love you”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor H” to Delphine de Girardin
N.p.n.d, this Tuesday, 1 p. in-8 on bifolio

“The end of the week will not pass without me going to do penance and seek reparation at your feet”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph manuscript
N.d.n.p [Senate, March 1879] 1 page oblong in-12

“Who gives to the poor lend to God”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo” to Eugène Pelletan
Hauteville House, 2nd April [1861], 2 pages in-8 on double sheet

“Why did we want to be faithful to freedom, and to ourselves?”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo” to Hyacinthe Vinson.
N.p, December 19th [1848], 1 page in-8.

I am nothing and want to be nothing

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo” to a critic
28 January [1870], H[auteville] H[ouse], [Guernesey], 1 p. in-4

“I dedicate, like Aeschylus, my works to time”

EUR 6.000,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph draft of a poem fragment
N.p.n.d, [Guernesey, c. 1854], 1 p. in-12° on thin blue paper

« Ils ouvrent cette nuit que nul rayon ne perce / Ils y font brusquement tomber à la renverse / Les pâles cadavres béants ! »

EUR 3.900,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph « VH » à Léon Gatayes
[Paris], 29th May 1843 (postal mark), 1 p. in-8°

« The day we play Les Burgraves »

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Original photograph by Pierre Petit
Period albumen print (1861). Name card format

The very first photograph of Victor Hugo with a beard

EUR 350,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed « V.H. » to pastor Nathanaël Martin-Dupont
Hauteville House, 3 7bre [September 1868], 1 p. in-12° on mourning paper

« The great soul in this great clarity sees that I am crying, and knows that I’m hoping »

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed “Victor H” [to Joséphine Trébuchet]
Brussels, 19th December [1851], 1 page in-8°

“I fought for the right, for the truth, for the righteous, for the people, for France”

EUR 9.500,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph notes
[Paris, 1883], on the back of an envelope addressed to him

Moving intimate document of the great man in the last years of his life

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph fragments for a satirical poem
S.l.n.d [Guernesey, 1870], two teared strips in-4°

« Brunet was once a clown. He was radiant / Above humans by dint of stupidity »

EUR 1.400,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed « Victor Hugo » to Jules Janin
S.l., 10 November 1871, 1 p. in-8

“There is something of Horace in you and something from Diderot; we listen to you like the first and we love you like the second

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Original photograph by Melandri
Period albumin print (c. 1881). Cabinet card format

Nice portrait of the poet surrounded by his grandchildren

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Draft of an autograph poem
N.p.n.d [Guernesey, 1859], 1 p. in-8° (140 x 145 cm)

« Never mind O traitor! at point-blank range my book shoots you! »

EUR 7.500,-
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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Chalot & Cie. Photographic portrait of Victor Hugo
Circa. 1880, postcard format (16,4 x 10,8cm)

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph manuscript
N.p.n.d [1841], 1 p. in-8°

« Love is wont not to lodge in the hand of stinginess »

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed « Victor H.» to an unknown recipient
[Paris] 9th October [1874], 1 page in-8

“Quels que soient les charmes de Thryos”

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HUGO, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed « Victor Hugo » [to Edgar Quinet ?]
H.H., 7th July, 1 p. in-8° on blue laid paper

« I see it in England, alas, narrow and intolerant, and profoundly hostile to progress »

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LAMARTINE (de), Alphonse (1790-1869)

Autograph letter signed “Lamartine” to a friend
N.p [4th April 1853], 3 pages in-8 on double sheet, original envelope

“I don’t know anything about Hugo other than that he’s in Jersey with his family at his studies”

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SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles-Augustin (1804-1869)

Autograph letter signed « Ste Beuve » to Adèle Foucher
Besançon, 14 October 1829, 3 p. in-4°

« In truth, madame, what a foolish idea I had to leave your hospitable home without purpose, the fruitful and encouraging words of Victor… »

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